5 Recommendations for OP Support Heroes in Meta Season 19 Mobile Legends (ML)
Here are 5 recommendations for OP support heroes in the meta season 19 of Mobile Legends (ML) according to SPIN Esports!
In the latest 19th season of Mobile Legends, many heroes have returned to the game meta such as Alpha, Harley and others.
Regarding that, SPIN Esports will provide 5 recommendations for OP support heroes in the current meta season 19 of Mobile Legends (ML)!
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In addition to being hyper, we also highly recommend Harley as support. This hero is agile and can lock the opponent’s hero core very easily.
Although the skills are not skill areas, we highly recommend Harley as a support hero.

This one hero is arguably the best support hero at the moment, the damage it does is really terrible when it’s support.
Plus Lunox is also not easy to pick up even though the movement is slow because it has a pretty good blink skill.
Luo Yi

Next is Luo Yi who has a unique skill and a very terrible area because it can attract all enemies to a specified area.
Fourth is Pharsa which in our opinion is still very OP even though it was nerfed in the previous update.
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The last hero is of course the new hero Mathilda, where this hero really has terrible damage in the early game.
Plus the ability to lock hero cores very well and can bring teammates to move quickly, we highly recommend Mathilda for user support.
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