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5 Most Difficult Champions in LoL Wild Rift

Wild Rift has champions with a high level of difficulty, new players will find it difficult to use this champion. Here are the 5 toughest champions in LoL Wild Rift.

Like other moba games, Wild Rift also has champions with a high level of difficulty. This champion will be difficult to use by new players and requires high flying hours in this game. In addition to requiring experience, using a champion with a high level of difficulty must understand all the skills it has and understand positioning.

Then, which champions are included in the champions with a high level of difficulty? For sure this champion will make your fingers curl.


Akali is a champion who has the Assassin role, he is in the middle lane or can even use the baron lane. But, who would have thought that this champion had a high level of difficulty.

Every skill possessed by Akali must be fully understood by every user. Other than that, positioning and timing with this champion is very important because with those two things, Akali is able to defeat his opponents.


Camille is a champion with the Fighter role, he is more positioned in the baron lane. Users must play this champion very agile. This champion can stick and jump from one wall to another.

The skills he has also need timing which is very fitting, it can be seen from his ultimate skill. If the skill is thrown and misses, he will actually be trapped in his own skill.


Next is Zed, he is a champion with the Assassin role and has the same position as Akali, which is in the middle lane. What makes this champion have a high level of difficulty is that he has to be able to position Zed with his shadow.

Zed has a skill capable of casting shadows and giving damage the same size. With positioning and timing the right fit, he can use his shadow to escape or attack the opponent.


The next high difficulty champion is Yasuo, he has two fighter-assassin roles. The majority of users use it in the middle lane. For new users, Yasuo is a very difficult champion and will die more than defeating opponents.

However, if, the user can use this champion with timing and positioning In the right way, he can be a terrible scourge for his opponent.


The last high difficulty champion is Fiora, the champion with the fighter-assassin role often has a position in the baron lane. Fiora is able to give the opposing champion an effect slow and stun, he can also give buffs to himself.

Fiora must have timing and positioning the right one to be able to make trouble when doing team fight.

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That’s the toughest champion in LoL Wild Rift. Are you going to try this champion? Or just avoid it?

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