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4 Most Sick Melee Weapons in PUBG Mobile

OKEGUYS – If previously we discussed about the sickest Range Weapon in PUBG, now we will discuss the Sickest Melee Weapon in PUBG Mobile.

In addition to using ranged weapons that are possible to kill enemies, you can also use Melee Weapons in PUBG Guys.

There are several melee weapons that have damage hurts the most in just a few hours. what are the rows? Check out the following article.

The Sickest Melee Weapons in PUBG Mobile

You can use these Melee Weapons to do barbaric, you know, Guys! If you don’t believe it, just try it.

1. Pan

Melee Pan weapon

The sickest Melee Weapons weapon in PUBG is Pan or pan, this one weapon has damage which is quite large, which reaches 80 Damage.

Hit Range of the pot is 3,000 and has impact which is very large that is 40,000. In just two hits, the enemy will immediately fall!

2. Crowbar (Crowbar)

These Melee Weapons called crowbars are also very deadly Guys, because in just a few hits the enemy will instantly knockout, the crowbar has damage of 60 and Impact of 6,000.

Although much different from Pan, Crowbar is also still a mainstay weapon if you don’t find Pan or Range weapons.

3. Machete (machete)

PUBG's sickest melee weapon machete

Machete or machete is a melee weapon Typical Weapons for Slaughter, which you can use in times of urgency and become auto barbarians.

The machete itself has damage which is the same as the crowbar which is 60 Damage, as well as the impact.

In my experience, using this machete in PUBG is quite helpful, because it is easy to approach an enemy who is in a hurry to find a weapon.

4. Sickle

In the real world, sickles are used to grind crops that are used as animal feed. Well, in PUBG Sickle or Sickle is used as a defense weapon against enemies.

When doing bars and don’t have a ranged or shooting weapon, you can use Guy’s scythe, because OKEGUYS himself has done this, the enemy can be defeated immediately.


Using the sickest Melee Weapons in PUBG is shown for those of you who are in a state of urgency, otherwise don’t try it, because it’s very difficult to fight enemies who hold range weapons with melee weapons.

Well, those are some of the sickest melee weapons in PUBG Mobile, which one do you like guys? If you use a pan, you can cook if you’re hungry, hehe.

Thank you for reading this article to the end, I hope it is useful for you.

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