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10 Effective Ways to Speed ​​Up uTorrent Downloads!

Do you like downloading your favorite movies or music? If you’ve often downloaded movies or music, surely you already know what uTorrent is. And if anyone doesn’t know it, I will explain what uTorrent is first before giving a way to speed up uTorrent downloads.

uTorrent is a lightweight BitTorrent Client application that has some really great functions. By using the BitTorrent application you can download a variety of your favorite music and movies, respectively.

In Torrent itself is a file that already has a lot of information and files are packaged in a file commonly known as BitTorrent.

Well, in BitTorrent you can download files easily. Not only that, BitTorrent is also a very complete collection of files. However, many people have difficulty downloading files using BitTorrent because it is not smooth. There are always obstacles that make it crash.

How to Speed ​​Up uTorrent Downloads

Well, with 10 ways to speed up uTorrent downloads below you can solve these problems, here’s how:

1. Set Download speed on uTorrent

download speed

Image : BukaReview

The first way to speed up downloads on uTorrent is to set the download speed. Every BitTorrent client software has a feature whose function is to adjust the download and upload speed, as well as this uTorrent.

Therefore you should be able to take advantage of this feature to speed up the download of movies or music that you want to collect. You have to make sure the upload number must be lower than the download number.

Since your goal is to download files, let the internet focus itself on downloading first by making the download speed up to 100%.

But if you want to download while browsing, it is recommended to set the download speed to only 80%. And the rest for the speed on the upload.

You can set the download speed in uTorrent by using this method:

  • Click
  • Then you can click the menu
  • After that you click again on Bandwidth and adjust the speed according to your needs.

2. Previously pay attention to Seeder and Leecher

Seeder and Leecher

Image : TechnoDoze

Seeders are people who have successfully downloaded files on the Torrent. Meanwhile, Leecher is a person who is waiting for his turn to download files.

Well, in this way it is recommended that you see the number of Seeders and Leechers before downloading. And make sure to choose a large number of Seeders and Leechers.

But you also have to keep choosing a large number of Seeders compared to Leecher. So that when you want to download the file it will be faster when compared to the small number of Seeders and the large number of Leechers.

3. Check Internet Connection First

Internet Speed

Image : Pixabay

If the download process is still slow, then you need to check the internet connection that is connected to your laptop or PC. Because in the process of downloading internet speed is the most important thing. It is recommended that you use Wifi, but don’t let the Wifi have been used by many people because it will make the connection slow or ‘slow’.

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Especially when you download HD or Blueray resolution movies, then you must have a fast internet connection so that the download process can be completed as soon as possible.

4. Add Trackers

how to speed up uTorrent downloads

images; Patrick Carman

One powerful way to speed up uTorrent downloads is to add Trackers. With these Trackers, you can search for more Seeders than if you searched for them yourself.

The method is quite easy, namely:

  • You have to Copy Info Hash from the file you downloaded
  • Then Paste on Google, just like when you want to find information on Google.
  • And find Torrent files from different sites based on the information you have obtained from Hash.
  • And lastly don’t forget to click YES, this is useful for confirming that the file to be downloaded is already in the Torrent.

5. Doing Force Start

Doing force start when downloading uTorrent will speed up the downloading process. Because Force Start will force files to be downloaded quickly.

The method is quite easy, you just need to click Force Start on the file that you want to download. And later the file will be downloaded automatically although with a little ‘force’.

6. Changing Settings in Advanced

advanced settings

Image : Make Tech Easier

You have to change and edit some settings in Advanced Settings of uTorrent to be able to download files faster. What you need to change is.

  • Change allow_same_ip to True
  • Then also change Show_notorrents_node to false
  • After that ipdate_interval becomes 20
  • And finally you have to change the max_halfopen to 50 – 100

If you have set the changes as above, then you have to click Apply and OK. And uTorrent will download faster.

7. Check the latest version of uTorrent

how to speed up uTorrent downloads

Image : Fossbytes

Another way to speed up uTorrent downloads is to update your uTorrent to the latest version. Because if you don’t update it to the latest version, it is certain that the process of downloading the file will feel very long.

Therefore you should check the latest version of uTorrent by:

  • You have to enter the menu Help
  • Then you have to click Check for Updates for the latest version of your uTorrent.

It’s easy, isn’t it?

8. Set the number of Peers


Image : Maxmanroe

Another term for using uTorrent is Peer. Peers are all uTorrent users who are downloading or uploading. Therefore, the large number of Peers will make the process of downloading uTorrent be hampered.

You can solve this problem by setting or limiting the number of Peers in uTorrent. The method is very easy, namely:

  • You must enter the Options menu
  • Then go back to Preferences
  • And in Bandwidth you specify the Maximum number of connected peers per torrent.

9. Don’t download too many

don't download too much

Image : IT Site

This method is also quite effective, because the number of files that are downloaded at once will hinder the download process. Yes, although uTorrent does not prohibit you from downloading many files at the same time, but this method is not good for smooth download processes so that it can make it very slow.

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That’s because the internet used will fight each other to download these files. Therefore, it is recommended that all of you download one by one the files to be downloaded.

That way, the internet will focus on your one download and can launch the download process. And you can download other files if your previous download is complete.
You can also set it like this below:

  • You enter the Options menu
  • Then go back to Preferences
  • And finally, change the maximum number of active downloads to 1. That way your downloads will run smoothly.

10. Priority!

how to speed up uTorrent downloads

Image : Gbika

You have to do this method on the laptop or PC that you are using. You can set the top priority for maximum performance on PCs and laptops. The method is also quite easy, namely:

  • You enter the Task Manager section
  • After that you click Process
  • And choose the utorrent software that you have.
  • You can click Go to Details and change the setting to High.

Well, with the above method, you have prioritized the performance on uTorrent that you have.

With the 10 methods above, hopefully you can download whatever you like easily and smoothly. While trying!

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