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Tutorial How to Show Borders in Word (All Versions)

Microsoft Word is a subset of Microsoft Office for typing whatever you want to type. Papers, novels, short stories, articles, reports, or other. Typing a document full of math equations is no problem. Many conveniences are provided by one of Microsoft’s flagship products, so it’s no wonder that the number of users currently has more than 1 billion people, even though the license price is more expensive than the price of a 1 TB external hard drive.

One of the conveniences provided by Microsoft Word is the date of the document which can change automatically every time the document is opened. The text capitalization feature also allows the first letter of each word in a sentence to be capitalized without having to edit each sentence.

If there are errors in typing words that occur repeatedly, the Find and Replace feature is available to replace each word, which is much more time-saving than tracing the contents of a long document from beginning to end.

How to Show Borders in Word

Protection features can also be found in Microsoft Word so that documents can be secured with a password so that they cannot be opened or can be opened but cannot be edited. The edited part of the document can also be limited, for example, only to add comments to the document or fill in the fields in a form. Another option, allows editing but every change is recorded by Microsoft Word so you can see which parts have been edited by others.

The outline that surrounds the document can also help you in editing the document. A simple feature, but quite important for some users. These outlines don’t appear by default in Word, so you need to set them to appear whenever you edit a document. How to display a border in Word you can follow the following from the first step to the final step.

1. The first thing you need to do is switch to tab File.

How to Show Borders in Word 1

2. After that select Options.

How to Show Borders in Word 2

3. On the menu Advanced, scroll down a bit and check the option Show text boundaries.

How to Show Borders in Word 3

4. Now your document has a border and will make it easier for you when typing the document in Word.

How to Show Borders in Word 4

By exploring every feature that Microsoft Word has before using it, you can make Microsoft Word actually work the way you want it to. For example, adding words in Auto Correct to save more time in typing, disabling the spell check so that it doesn’t interfere with document editing, displaying borders, adjusting the distance between the text border and the page edge, setting Microsoft Word not to select more text than you need with turn off the “When selecting, automatically select entire word” feature, and so on.

It may take a long time to explore the features of Microsoft Word because there are so many of them. To work around this, you can start from features related to document typing so that the typing process can be smoother, while for other features such as collaboration features, you can adjust them gradually.

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