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The Best Tips and Tricks Using Mobile Legends Zhask 2021

Zhask is a hero in the Mobile Legends game that presents a mage-type hero with unique skills because there are 5 skills at once. Hero Mobile Legends Zhask is equipped with a passive skill and 4 active skills. Zhask joins a line of other mage heroes such as Gord, Cyclops, Aurora, Eudora, Harley Odetta, Alice and Vexana.

You can get Hero Mage Zhask for 32000 bp or 599 diamonds. Until now, Zhask has 2 skins that can be used, namely planes dominator and crystallized predator. Unmitigated, even this one hero also has a push or a poke which makes it suitable for destroying enemies.

Before using this one hero, first consider some of the advantages and disadvantages of the Zhask mobile legends hero:

Advantages of Hero Zhask

Because it has 1 passive skill, it can attack continuously even in the early game.

For defense and push problems, Zhask is indeed the best mage because the other skill can interfere with the enemy both when attacking and defending the tower.

The ultimate skill damage for skill 4 is said to be unreasonable with the ultimate Nightmaric spawn. This is because the hero has thick defense and HP as well as continuous burst damage attacks like a fighter.

  • Very Easy To Play Safe / Safe Play

When you use zhask, you can play safely because you are not directly involved with the enemy. For that, it should be noted that as much as possible do not let the enemy attack from behind. This is because map awareness and positioning are important when playing this hero.

At the beginning of the Mobile Legends game, Zhask can directly push towers and farming to suppress enemy lanes easily. You only need to spam skills continuously even from afar, while the enemy must return to the base to refill their HP because their blood will decrease.

Lack of Hero Zhask

  • Highly Dependent on Skill 1

Being the biggest weakness of Zhask because without robot skill 1, namely Nightmaric Spawn, this hero cannot attack or defend well. And the best way to dispel zhask is to kill the spawn when in a weak state or before entering ultimate mode.

The absence of any movement or mobility mechanism in the 4 skills makes it necessary to always be vigilant when used. When the enemy approaches, it will be difficult to avoid enemy ganking, especially on Crowd Control heroes. Therefore, how to play mobile legends Zhask is similar to how to play on Layla’s hero because it requires good long-range skills but cannot survive because it does not have a movement mechanism.

The Best Zhask Item Guide and Gear Build Zhask

As is known, Zhask mobile legends have 5 deadly skills. Now using the zhask item guide will really help the game become savage. Not only that, zhask build 201 is more focused on burst damage so you can get all the gear options for magic power.

You must have this Zhask gear for all mages when you need burst damage with additional HP and mana. Additional unique passive time, 60 magic power and reincarnate are hard to resist in the early game. The price is relatively cheap, namely 1950 gold.

Hero zhask has a fairly large burst damage due to the spell vamp which is one of the unique ones that helps to be able to sustain in the lane especially before the mid game. Another addition, which is 700 hp and 70 magic power, is enough to equip Zhask so that it can transition to mid game.

You could say this zhask doesn’t have many choices in mobility gear so the only gear needed is arkane boots. Equipped with magic penetration of 15 points.

The addition of movement speed, magic power and regeneration is indeed quite beneficial in the mid game. However, it is recommended to use the Ice Queen Wand because it has a unique passive skill called ice bound. Well, this ice bound skill will synergize with all of his active skills. So, the presence of this ice bound will make the enemy stay within range of the nightmaric longer considering the slower movement speed.

When you buy blood wings, you can be sure that you are already in the late game. The presence of blood wings will help provide the burts damage needed by mobile legends Zhask in the late gem. Not only that, Nirvana’s unique passive will also be advantageous because it will add hp zhask when every additional magic power is added. So this one hero can last longer when attacking.

This immortality gear does seem to be a complement, but with this immortality, you can get the opportunity to verse against your opponent to get Decimation. For the method of the verse, it is quite easy, after being awakened by the effect of immortality, you can immediately issue a nightmaric and allow the enemy to kill.

If the summoned nightamaric are accurate, they will receive 500 true damage. In addition, if you install the zhask bug flicker on the battle spell you can use the immortality effect to try to escape from the enemy.

  • Emblem Set Suitable For Mobile Legend Zhask

Considering Zhask is a mage-type hero, of course the use of the right set of emblems for hero one is a magic emblem.

Zhask Gameplay Gameplay

During the laning process, Mobile Legends Zhask can be in any position, but this one hero still has priority with tanks that require burts damage and cores who need protection. Although it can clear waves quickly, zhask has a tendency to fail on the last hit. For that, you must understand the timing and positioning of the nightmaric.

But in the early game, Zhask tends to dominate the lane easily. But keep in mind you are never alone in the lane, even if you have to be alone you can do a bush check or target hug at any time. After reaching the mid game you can follow the attacking team that can happen anywhere. Pay attention to the map and do pincer or proxy whenever an enemy hero is alone.

In the late game, if the team dominates your work, it will be easier. You can also do a split push to quickly destroy your opponent’s turret. Remember, how to do this tactic alone because Zhask is very vulnerable to ganks.

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If your team is feeling heavy, Zhask can’t do much other than buy time until your team can catch up. By doing a turrent hug at every opportunity, it can be an option to buy time. How, have you used Mobile Legends Zhask yet? Hopefully it’s useful.

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