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Let's Not Lag, Disable These 5 Applications When Playing Mobile Legends

When playing games, our smartphones are required to perform at their best. Especially if the game is an HD game. Then the smartphone must be in its best state.

Mobile Legends is one of the toughest online games. Therefore, we will have difficulty playing it if the smartphone is running many applications or multitasking.

If we force to multitask while playing Mobile Legends, then the Mobile Legends game will lag and not run smoothly. As a result, when we play, we lose.

But don’t worry, this time I at will give tips to make your game play smoothly. The trick is to disable certain applications.

There are 5 applications that you must disable when you want to play Mobile Legends. What applications? Check out the review below.

Disable These 5 Applications When Playing Mobile Legends

1. All Social Media Apps

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If you are a Mobile Legends game enthusiast but also acutely use social media, then be careful. Because you will not be able to use both of these applications at the same time.

The reason is, social media applications such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and others require a large amount of RAM when used. And of course this cannot be used in conjunction with the Mobile Legends game.

If used together, your Mobile Legends game will lag. As a solution, disable all social media applications installed on your smartphone so you don’t lag when playing Mobile Legends.

2. Antivirus Apps

There are several kinds of applications that also take up quite a lot of RAM in addition to social media applications, one of which is an antivirus application.

That’s because this application runs all the time in the background so that it burdens RAM performance.

But when playing Mobile Legends, it’s a good idea to disable this one application. Whatever antivirus you use, whether it’s AVG, Avast, Norton, or something else.

3. Heavy Launcher Apps

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One of the advantages of Android-based smartphones compared to other smartphones is that we can change launchers.

Want a lightweight launcher, there is. Want a launcher with a charming effect, there is also.

However, launchers with captivating effects usually require large resources.

So sometimes it makes other applications lag. One of them is Mobile Legends.

If you use a heavy launcher, it’s a good idea to disable it first when you want to play Mobile Legends.

Use the default launcher first, then play Mobile Legends.

4. Instant Messaging App

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Instant messaging applications or instant messages can be said to be one of the applications that must be on an Android smartphone.

This application can replace the role of SMS and is used to communicate with friends, family, and others.

However, this application also consumes quite a lot of smartphone RAM. Especially if you install a lot at once, call it WhatsApp, LINE and BBM. All three will burden the smartphone if installed simultaneously.

Maybe when playing Mobile Legends, you will continue to lose because of lag.

Therefore, first disable the instant messaging application when you want to play Mobile Legends.

Besides being useful for reducing lag, you will also concentrate more because you will not get notifications from instant messaging applications.

5. Cleaner And RAM Booster Application

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Some people think that the RAM Booster application can speed up the performance of their favorite smartphone.

However, this assumption is not true.

On the contrary, the RAM Booster application can actually make the smartphone slower because this application always runs in the background.

For those of you who still have this application on your smartphone, it’s better to delete it or just disable it.


Those are 5 types of applications that you must disable if you want to smoothly play Mobile Legends games. Don’t let it be disabled. Later you will continue to lose because of the lag.

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