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Items in PUBG Mobile that are Useful but Rarely Used

mrfdn – Immediately after landing on the ground, we then rush to find weapons, or other items as quickly as possible.

Another term is loot.

The function of loot is to collect as many weapons as possible and some preparation items before fighting. Every battle royal game is like this, be it PUBG or Free Fire.

Whoever collects items faster, the chance to finish off the enemy will be faster. Moreover, coupled with good playing skills.

All items available on the map, scattered in a certain place. We don’t always get good weapons in the same place.

Even though we know locations that are said to be good for looting, in fact if they have been taken by other players, efforts to get the best weapons and items must be done with extras.

There are a lot of items in the pubg game.

pubg items

And usually people only take the items they’ve used, and don’t care about other items.

To increase knowledge, it turns out that there are several items that are useful for you when looting but are rarely picked. What are these items?

1. Smoke grenades

There are actually a lot of these items scattered on maps, people just ignore them sometimes.

It’s good to take 2 or 3 smoke granades. If you often watch pubg matches by pro players, they really rely on this item.

The function of the smoke granade is to create a smoke effect in a certain area, so that the enemy has difficulty aiming at us which is covered by smoke which will appear for approximately 40 seconds.

In the first 7 seconds the smoke from the smoke grenade will appear thicker. Very useful for you to escape from locations that have been marked by enemies who are aiming at you.

2. Stun Grenade

The stun grenade will emit a blinding flash of light.

How to use it is quite easy, after pulling the grenade, throw it at the enemy. When it hits the enemy, they will have difficulty seeing the shot on the screen for about 10 seconds.

Usually stunt granades are useful when playing PUBG TDM.

3. Holographic Sight

You can use Holo before finding Red Dot Sight.

By using a holo sight, you will aim at the target faster than using a x2 scope.

The drawback is that it is rather large. You can use this item as an alternative before getting RDS.

4. Quickdraw Mag

If you find a QuickDraw Mag, then take it.

This item is useful to make it easier for you to reload bullets faster.

This item is also useful when playing TDM which makes players have to frequently refill the bullets in their weapons.

And if used when playing classic, it will be very useful when in a stressful situation.

5. Bandage

Usually people prefer to look for a first aid kit, or blood.

Well, in addition to the core items above, it never hurts to collect some bandages or bandages first.

This item is very useful when running after the zone.

The drawback of this item is that the bandage must be used repeatedly so that our blood can heal/normal again.

Which will take more time.

The safe way to use a bandage is to make sure no one around is targeting you.

The final word

Those are some useful items when playing PUBG that are rarely picked up.

Hopefully after you read this article you will not ignore this item anymore. or at least be wiser in choosing items when looting.

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