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How to Sell Mutual Funds through the Seed Application (Personal Experience)

How to Sell Mutual Funds through the Seed Application Every human being works in order to support himself and his family. By working, we will receive wages in the form of money that we can use to meet daily needs such as buying rice, vegetables, side dishes and the dues that must be paid in our lives.

Therefore, we need to manage finances carefully, lest we waste our salary money on unnecessary things.

In managing finances, everyone must have their own methods and ways. One of them is by setting up an emergency fund and a pension fund. An emergency fund is a fund that we can take whenever we need it. While pension funds are funds that we save until old age.

An effective way to save money is to keep it in mutual funds. Besides being able to save money safely, we will also get a return on every mutual fund we choose. Now we can also join mutual funds just by using an application on a smartphone. One of them is seed application.

How to Sell Mutual Funds through the Seed Application

Seed is a mutual fund investment application that is very safe for us to use because it has been supervised by the OJK or the Financial Services Authority. And by using seeds, we will also get many benefits such as learning about mutual funds, reading news about the investment world and the Robo-Advisor technology in the application.

With the help of the Robo-Advisor technology, we will get recommendations for mutual fund products that match our risk profile and also our finances. I’ve been using Seeds for the last 5 months, and I feel that Seeds are competent enough to handle my mutual fund investments.

Here I will show you how to sell mutual funds through a seed application. But before selling mutual funds, you need to know that if you sell mutual funds on weekdays and before 13.00, the sales transaction will be made on that day and the selling price or NAV will also follow the price of that day.

Meanwhile, if you sell mutual funds after 13.00, the sales transaction process will be carried out on the next working day. And if you sell mutual funds on a holiday, the sales transaction process will be carried out on the first working day.

Money from mutual fund sales will be processed a maximum of 7 working days to arrive in your account. Here I try to sell the mutual funds that I collect, where at the beginning of saving mutual funds I used Robo Advisor technology.

1. The first step is to click on the Portfolio that you want to sell the mutual fund, here I will withdraw the savings from the Pension Fund.


2. Then click the button Sell which is located next to the Green Top up button.

How to Sell Mutual Funds through the Seed Application

3. Here will appear some things you should know before you will sell mutual funds. Read and understand the procedure. If so, then click the button I understand.

How to Sell Mutual Funds through the Seed Application

4. Type the amount of funds you want to withdraw. Then click Sell.


5. Next, an estimation of the funds that we will disburse will appear. By using seeds, we will be free from sales commissions, but for inter-bank transfer fees, we must pay them according to the Bank’s provisions. If the host bank and the bank account we have are the same, there will be no transfer fees. Then click Sell.


6. Next we have to type in the PIN to confirm the sale.


7. Steps to sell mutual funds have been completed. To check the status of the sale, you can see it on the Order Status tab. To return to the main page, then click the button Back to Main Dashboard.


That’s the article that explains how to sell mutual funds on the Seed application. Hopefully this article can be useful for you.

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