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How to Increase Android RAM With SD Card

Random Access Memory or what is often short RAM is a storage space to store various data applications that are active on the cellphone and are usually the main storage.

If the RAM capacity is greater, the performance of the cellphone will be faster, maybe you are already familiar with RAM on the cellphone you are using, it must have RAM, and as you know, adding RAM is possible. Then do you know how to increase Android RAM with an SD Card? ?

You can do this by using supporting applications to add capacity or space to RAM, but there are some things that are risky so you have to be careful, this time we will discuss how to add Android RAM with an SD card, then how do you do it? Here we discuss in the article below.

How to Increase Android RAM With SD Card

Adding RAM with an SD card is not recommended because it will be very risky, even the android phone you are using will be damaged, this time we will provide alternative steps as follows:

1. Swapper

If your RAM capacity is really full or dying, you can use this application to increase virtual memory capacity by using a micro SD card, and this application does not require root on the android phone you are using, to add RAM to your android phone you should only allocates 50% of the RAM capacity embedded on your phone.

2. Smart Booster

This application can be used to add Android RAM with several levels, namely medium, gentle, strong, and aggressive, this application is only to optimize the performance of the RAM embedded in the cellphone without the need to use additional virtual memory.

the only way is to turn off useless services on the phone you are using, you can also choose the boosting option when the phone screen is off, and this application does not provide paging files, virtual memory, external memory, internal memory, and others.

3. Roehsoft RAM Expander

It’s the same with the swapper application, this application is one way to add Android RAM to the phone you are using, but there are things that are different from this application, Roehsoft RAM expander can not only make one swap, it can create multiple 4GB swap partitions.

If you add RAM make no mistake, doing this will certainly have an impact and have risks, as follows:

Risks of Adding RAM Capacity on Android

The problem that will occur if you increase this capacity is that the battery on the cellphone you are using will waste faster, the use of RAM in the main memory serves to reduce electricity and use the path from CPU to RAM, if the RAM is closer to the CPU, the supply will be less. electricity is used, it’s like the CPU is the brain and RAM is the heart.

Then your phone will also heat up quickly because of the continuous flow of electricity to the SD card and also makes the path hot, the more frequent the friction of the electric current, the hotter it will be.

That’s how to add Android RAM with an SD Card that you can know, it’s best if you don’t really need the addition of RAM, you don’t need to do it because of course it will have risks and others, hopefully it’s useful and good luck. That is all and thank you.

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