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How to Get Bot Opponents in Free Fire Ranked

When playing Free Fire, there are two types of enemies that we will fight in the battle arena.

The first is real players, namely humans just like us.

And the second is an automatic computer program or what is commonly called a bot.

So which one is better, against real players or bots?

The answer, of course, is clear, which is better against bots.

Because bots are much easier to beat than real players.

Read also:

Characteristics of Bot Players in Free Fire

Before going into the main discussion, it’s a good idea to know the characteristics of bots in Free Fire.

More or less bots in FF have these characteristics:

  • Rarely loot and looking for supply
  • In the middle of the battle there is a reduction in the number of players without notification
  • Often appears suddenly
  • Original shot (rarely hits us)
  • Often make a walking movement then stop for a moment then walk again
  • Often silent even though we are near

The bottom line is that bot behavior is very different from real players.

But even so stiff must still be careful.

Because after all the bots are still programmed to attack us.

How to Get Bot Enemies in Free Fire

Enter the main discussion, which is how to get bot opponents.

Actually the method is very simple, namely:

  1. Open the Free Fire game

2. Press the home button

3. Wait 5 to 10 seconds

4. Reopen the Free Fire game

5. Click Start Game to start a match with bot

By the way, I can’t guarantee that this method will always work.

Based on my own experiments, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

So it all also depends on your luck level.

If you are lucky enough, you will often meet bots using the method above.

But if you are unlucky Androbuntu, then occasionally you will still play with real players.

If you are curious, please try.

But stay alert at the beginning of the game.

Don’t be careless and immediately assume all your opponents are bots.

If you meet an enemy at an intersection, it’s gone.

If you want to prove your opponents are bots or not, you can watch them from afar.

You can go to high ground, then use scope and pay attention to the enemies.

If the characteristics are exactly the same as what I have mentioned above, then your fix is ​​against bots.

Your chance to booyah could be bigger.

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