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How to Fix a Blurry Laptop LCD

This is how to fix a blurry Laptop LCD. The screen on a laptop is one of the most important and crucial components. Without a screen, users will not be able to carry out laptop-related activities.

And the problem that often happens is, the screen does not turn on or the screen looks blurry. Be it a laptop screen or a computer will experience the same problem. Actually, there are many reasons that make the screen on a laptop become blurry and won’t even turn on.

For example, such as, damage to the cable, screen age, virus exposure and so on. So what if it happened on a laptop?

Well, here we will tell you how to deal with a blurry or half-dark laptop screen. Before that you should know in advance the types of laptop screens, below.

How to Fix a Blurry Laptop LCD

Some things and how to fix a blurry Laptop LCD screen are in the following review:

Component Problem

A blurry laptop screen is generally caused by various things. For example, RAM is not installed properly and so on. To confirm the problem, you can connect it to a projector device or computer monitor.

If it turns on well, then it can be ascertained if the problem lies in the laptop screen. And you can disassemble your laptop carefully and determine the cause. If the problem lies with the RAM, then you can correct its position or reinstall it.

Or you can clean the metal pins on the RAM or motherboard slots with an eraser. And if the problem still can’t be solved, then you should take your laptop to service.

Worn Flex Cable

In addition to RAM, several other components that cause a blurry screen are the flexible cable found on the laptop, for this it seems to be difficult to do yourself, you can pay a technician to fix it.

Make sure you first ask the nearest service about the problem, if you have made sure you really know what the problem is and what will be fixed.

Broken Software

Next it could be that the blurry screen is located on the software from your laptop’s LCD which is damaged, to solve this problem is fairly easy.

You just need to fix it by reinstalling the OS on your laptop, this is so that all systems run normally again and the blurry problem can be resolved.

Well, that was how to fix a blurry laptop LCD. Hopefully the above review can be useful for those of you who need it. Thank you so much and hopefully useful.

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