How to Delete Telegram Account
Telegram is one of the chat applications that is currently popular and is being discussed by chat application users, Telegram has interesting features and of course it strictly maintains the privacy of its users, for those who use Telegram there will be times when they will delete the application because it is no longer used, do you know? how to delete telegram account?
Deleting a telegram account is very important because to maintain the security of user privacy, you can also deactivate a telegram account and can come back at any time, this time we will discuss how to delete a telegram account, then how? Here we discuss in the article below.
How to Delete Telegram Account
For those of you who want to delete Telegram, there are several ways that you can follow, you can also delete a temporary Telegram account and if you delete your account permanently, to log back in you must first create a new account, here are the steps for deleting a Telegram account:
1. Delete Telegram Account Automatically
You can delete your Telegram account automatically when you don’t realize that you haven’t used your Telegram account for a long time, here are the steps:
- The first step you have to do is open the telegram application, if it’s already a chat menu display will appear.
- Click the three line icon in the upper left corner and select settings.
- If you have clicked on privacy and security, tap ‘Delete my account if it doesn’t exist’ you can specify the desired time limit.
- If you have logged out of Telegram.
If the steps above have been carried out, your Telegram account will automatically be deleted if you do not log in according to the time limit you specified earlier.
2. Delete Telegram Account Via Link
You can delete a telegram account via the link, because telegram does not have a direct telegram delete feature, you can use this method to permanently delete a telegram account, here are the steps:
- The first step is to open the browser on the phone or PC that you are using.
- Then open the browser and go to the site.
- If you have entered the site, enter the cellphone number that you use for the Telegram account you are using.
- Then check the username is correct.
- Then Telegram will provide a confirmation code via chat on Telegram.
- If you have typed the code and fill in the reason why you deleted the account and click done.
- A confirmation of account deletion will appear.
- Done, so the account you are using has been deleted.
After you perform the steps above, the Telegram account that you are using will be deleted without having to wait for the time limit.
4. Recover Deleted Accounts
If you want to restore the telegram account that you want to delete you can use this method, but depending on if you succeed the account will return if not then vice versa, here are the steps to restore a deleted telegram account:
- The step you have to do is open a browser and go to the recover deleted telegram account page.
- Enter the telegram username that you deleted with the ‘@’ symbol, then click ‘check username’.
- If the account is found and matches your previous account, click ‘confirm’ then select the recovery method and click ‘start’.
- If the data recovery download is successful you will re-enter Telegram.
That’s how to delete a telegram account that you can follow, easy enough right? by following the steps above you can delete your telegram account easily, good luck. That is all and thank you.
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