How Long Does It Take To Complete a Biomutant?
After a lot of discussing the basics and guidelines of Biomutant, now we will discuss how long it takes to complete a Biomutant. With dozens of story-changing options, turn-by-turn side quests, and even a New Game+ mode, chances are you’ll be playing Biomutant for the rest of 2021.
Despite all this content, the main quest itself is completely manageable, dedicated fans might even be able to do it on the weekends. And here is an explanation of the time it takes to complete the Biomutant.
How Long to Play Biomutant Quest?
If you only want to play the Main Quest and ignore everything else like side quests, then it will take around 12 hours. This will vary based on how efficient you are with fast travel and how fast you can send enemies into battle, and the fact that the Main Quest itself is surprisingly short.
Of course, side quests and interesting places scattered throughout Biomutant will most likely pull you off track to explore the world of Biomutants. That way most players spend at least 20 hours before the final credits roll.
Read: Biomutant: Jagni or Myriad, Which Tribe is Best?
How Long Does It Take For 100% Biomutant?
Completionists have a lot to immerse themselves in with Biomutants. Not only are there a number of endings and achievements that require a lot of gameplay, but there’s also a complete New Game Plus mode that makes you want to keep playing the game.
There are also dozens of side quests and collectibles hidden in every corner. After finishing the game, doing a bit of exploration, and completing a few side quests, we only saw 40% of what Biomutant had to offer. All told, getting to 100% almost took about 60 hours of gameplay.
Read: 10 Tips At The Beginning Of The Biomutant Game For Beginners
How Does New Game Plus Work?
While completion requires running the Main Quest a second time to see all that Biomutant has to offer, the NG+ mode equalization makes this process quite easy. You’ll still have to work your way through many of the same bosses and meet the same characters, but you can get right through the tedious introduction phase.
And this is what happens when you decide to enter NG+ mode in Biomutant:
- Save all your current gear
- Keep character development
- Skip the beginning of the story and start from the Tree of Life
- Allied with one of the six Tribes
- Replay all Quests and other events
While that can reduce the time it takes for the next game to play, there’s still plenty of content waiting for you when you launch the New Game Plus mode in Biomutant. If you want to speed up the game to 100%, we recommend aiming for Maximum Light Aura on your first play, followed by Maximum Dark Aura for the second time, we recommend reading Aura’s description in Biomutant before starting the game.
Now that’s the time it takes to complete the Biomutant game. There are still many Biomutant guides that we haven’t covered. So, just wait for the next update from us. Keep up with to get the latest news about games. Also follow Hobigame’s social media accounts so you don’t miss updates.
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