Differences Dota Underlords With Auto Chess Mobile And Dota 2
Valve has finally released Dota Underlods for PC and also mobile last week. With games In this case, they will start competing with Drodo Studio and Riot Games to capture the audience in the market Auto Chess.
But despite havinggenrethe same and departing from mod in games they themselves are Dota 2, Dota Underlords have some differences. Well, in this article we will describe what is different in Dota Underlords especially compared to mod in Dota 2 or Auto Chess Mobile from Drodo Studio.
How Different Synergies Work

The majority of synergies available in Dota Underlords approximately equal to Auto Chess in general. Some names were changed for example Dragon to Scaled, Elemental to Primordial, and so on. Even the term synergy was changed to Alliance. But in the end their synergy effect remains the same. Warrior gives armor, Scaled gives magic resistance, Warlock gives lifesteal, etc.
However, the synergistic effect is not simply imitated. Warrior for example, gives 10/15/20 armor for Alliance three, six, and nine Warriors. Four Trolls also keep giving movement speed to all units, but gives a bonus attack speed more additions to the Troll unit above board. Knight grants Shield permanently, but only if each Knight is nearby.
There are many more synergies that have the same effect but different ways of working or numbers. This indirectly changes which strategy and formation is optimal to play. Therefore, make sure you look back at the effects of each synergy.
Also Available Units Are Not Exactly the Same

The majority of units available in Dota Underlords more or less the same as the one in Dota 2 mods or Auto Chess Mobile. But some of the units in Dota 2 mods not in games this. So you can’t find God units like Mars and Zeus, or other units like Dazzle, Winter Wyvern, and Sven which so far only exist in Dota 2 mods.
At the same time Dota Underlords also got some new units. Arc Warden, Pudge, and Bloodseeker are some of the new units that you can only find at games this. Each opens up possibilities for synergies that they can fill.
Not only that, many units have spell different, and some abilities build-in. Mirana, for example, has spell which made him jump and shoot a Sacred Arrow. Unlike what we know before, this Sacred Arrow is much more accurate and fast so it can be relied on. That’s why Mirana is in tier 4 gold. On the other hand, Medusa has Split Shot along with spell The main one is Stone Gaze. This made Medusa not only act as a disabler, but also damage dealer terrible.
A Much Different Item System

One thing is completely different in Dota Underlords is items. How did you get it, items what is available, and how to use it is very different compared to Auto Chess games other.
Items you can only get it at neutral round, aka rounds one, two, three, 10, then the next multiple of five. But how do you get items this is different. If you manage to win neutral round, you will be given three choices items and have to take only one. What you take then can be used.
If you lose at neutral round, you will be given the choice of getting less or not getting items at all. It depends on how much creeps that you can kill before finally losing in neutral round the. For example, in round 15 against Wolves you can only kill three of the five wolves.
This system makes acquisition items in Dota Underlords much more consistent. You no longer have to accept the fate of not getting items despite winning neutral round.

Items what you get is also different. Indeed, some items Familiar ones like Chaimail and the Void Stone remain. But there are also some items new ones like Brooch of The Martyr, Boots of Speed, or Octarine Essence. Each items stand alone alias will not be combined so items other. Don’t worry, because you will still get items strong like Daedalus or Eye of Skadi in the final rounds as items so.
Why in Dota Underlords you can get items so? Well, because in games this each hero can only use one items just. But in exchange, items that you install can be moved at any time. This means that you are more flexible in determining which units are important and worthy of getting items strong.
Final, neutral round will not only give items as an option. Sometimes you will be given augment or buff unique. When taken, buff this doesn’t need to be installed on one hero like items and will always be active throughout the game.

A number of buff it is tied to certain units only. For example, Forged for Battle only works for Brawny units. Dragon’s Hoard only works for Dragon only, and so on. But there’s also buff of a general nature. Embarrassment of The Riches for example gives you one more choice items every win neutral round. Expanded Roster gives you room for one more unit at the top board, etc.
Also read: Various Strong Formations That You Can Play In Auto Chess
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