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Complete Guide to Introduction to SLR and DSLR Cameras For Beginners – This article is only a small part of thousands of photography knowledge that explains a little about the basics of photography. Seeing that more and more photography hobbies are becoming more prevalent among our society, especially young people, I took the initiative to make a complete guide on how to use the camera in full. The style of language that I pour is very personal, I hope it is conveyed well.

The things I will explain are the basic anatomy of the camera, exposure, to how to take pictures. The camera used is a digital DSLR camera, but I will also mention the use of a film camera with a manual lens.

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As a person who has just entered the world of photography, of course, the knowledge that I get from the experience of photographing is still relatively small. However, to advance Indonesian photography, I felt the need to transfer what I got.

Hopefully give a little information for all of us.


Well the first is the anatomy of the camera which consists of two parts, namely the camera body and the lens.

– Camera Body

The camera body is generally held with the right hand, the left hand supports the stability of the camera by holding the lens. The right index finger is used to always be ready to press the shutter button. While the other finger strengthens the grip on the camera body.

1. Front view

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On the front of the body there is a round metal shape. Also called mount or mounting. It is the part that connects the body to the lens. Mounting of each camera manufacturer is different, Nikon uses an F mount, Canon uses an EOS mount, Sony with A and E mounts. Next to the mount there is a small button that functions to lock the lens so it doesn’t come off easily. In addition there is also a small button called the dof confirmation button. This button is very rarely known function by the person holding the camera. Its function is to calculate how much the focal length of the lens is at certain settings. On the front there is also a lightmeter that functions to measure how many exposures are needed to measure a light condition.

2. Rear view

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In general, today’s cameras have an LCD screen to view the temporary results of the image. The LCD screen provides camera setting data information. Above the screen there is a viewfinder / view finder which serves to see the object to be photographed. There are also buttons as a shortcut to the menus on the camera.

3. Top view

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From above you can see the shutter button to start taking pictures. On the other hand, there is usually a dial button to select the desired shooting mode such as Manual mode, Aperture Priority, Speed ​​Priority, and Program mode. An explanation of this will be discussed in another session. On both sides of the camera there is a small metal for attaching the camera strap.

4. Bottom view

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At the bottom there is a small hole. The unique fact of this hole is that its size has not changed since the camera was first released. The size became the international standard for all cameras. That is the hole for attaching a tripod. A tripod is a device used to attach a still camera to a place. In digital cameras, the battery is usually inserted at the bottom of the camera.

5. Side View

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On the side there are several port holes to connect the camera with a computer or other devices such as remote shutter release, mic, TV.

6. Inside

dslr camera visible in nikon canon sony pentax

dslr camera visible in dslr slr sony nikon pentax canon

dslr camera visible in dslr slr sony nikon pentax canon

The inside of the camera has a component that really determines the results of the photo. First, a mirror that reflects whatever is captured by the lens and then passes it on to the prism so that it can be seen in the viewfinder. Second, behind the mirror there is a shutter, the shutter is the part of the camera that opens and closes during each photo taking. The shutter works when the shutter button is pressed. Third, sensors. After the shutter is open, the incoming light is passed on to the sensor for recording. This is a very sensitive part of the camera, if the sensor is dirty then the photos will be dirty too. In film cameras, the function of this sensor is on the film roll mounted inside the camera.

– Lens

lens camera nikon canon sony pentax tele zoom fix fixed bokeh

lens camera nikon canon sony pentax tele zoom fix fixed bokeh
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Using the lens is done in 2 steps, the first is to adjust the diaphragm, the second is to adjust the focus. Hold the lens with the index finger, middle finger and thumb. To rotate the focus, rotate with the index finger along with the thumb, to adjust the diaphragm rotate with the middle finger along with the thumb. In today’s auto lenses, the diaphragm setting no longer exists because it is already working automatically by the camera program. As for manual lenses, it is always done manually from the lens body. In certain types of lenses the above rules do not apply.

Inside the lens there are several elements, namely the diaphragm which regulates the size of the incoming light. There are several parts of the lens element that work to reflect incoming light, giving a dimensional effect to the photo.

There are many kinds of lenses, but they can be distinguished by three types, namely vario lenses, fixed lenses and special lenses.

1. Lens vario

lenses camera nikon canon sony pentax tele zoom fix fixed bokeh vario

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Vario lens is a lens whose focal length can be changed. In general, this lens is also known as a zoom lens. The use of this lens is very much used for the needs of journalists. An example of a vario lens is the 18-55 lens which is the default camera in general.

2. Fixed lens

lens camera nikon canon sony pentax tele zoom fix fixed bokeh

lens camera nikon canon sony pentax tele zoom fix fixed bokeh

Unlike the vario lens, the fixed lens has a fixed focal length. The advantage of this lens is that it is usually made with a large F aperture and because the length does not change, the number of optics in it is small so it can produce sharper photos depending on the quality of the lens. Some brands of fix lenses have very good sharpness and color character. Fixed lenses are usually used for shooting detailed objects (macro), photo models to get a bokeh effect. Examples of fix lenses such as 17mm, 24mm, 35mm, 50mm, 135mm, etc.

3. Special lens

lenses camera nikon canon sony pentax tele zoom fix fixed bokeh ts special

In addition to the two lenses above, in certain jobs, special lenses are needed. From the shape does not look like a lens in general. This lens is also known as a Tilt Shift lens. Why is this lens so special? Because the effect can make what is in front of him is perpendicular. The use of this lens is very rare, usually used in shooting buildings by architects so that the building looks perpendicular from bottom to top. While photographing using a regular lens will make photos of buildings look distorted. An example of a special lens is the 24mm TS.


dslr camera lens exposure iso f speed
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After we discussed the anatomy of the camera above, let’s explore how the camera works.

It’s actually a bit difficult to explain how a camera works if you don’t understand the parts of a camera, but on the other hand it’s very easy to explain if you know the basics. Therefore, the basic material about camera anatomy must be well understood.

Briefly when pressing the shutter button, light enters the lens through the aperture and the shutter opens to pass it on to the sensor for recording. There are 3 components that work to capture light, namely the size of the aperture which is abbreviated as F, the speed of opening the shutter which is usually called the Shutter speed, and the number of elements in the sensor that processes images that have ISO units. The marriage of the three things above is called Exposure.

To measure the amount of light intensity that must be processed by the camera, a component called a lightmeter is needed. This lightmeter will regulate the work of the three components. If in your condition you first set ISO and F, then Speed ​​will be measured by how much lightmeter should be given for the light conditions to be photographed. And so it goes if the three components are reversed, all will follow how much is needed.

I usually describe the three components as soldiers capturing light, where ISO is the number of soldiers, F is the size of the hole that opens to give light, while speed is about the length of time it takes to catch the light. To capture the right light (the right exposure) all must work together according to the portion given to it. If you get the task of capturing 100 lights, then all of them must be captured in their entirety, no less and no more. Determination of the number of soldiers working, the length of time given, and the size of the hole that opens, all affect the exposure results.

After the light is captured, proceed to the process of storing data to the memory card. It’s different for film cameras that use film/clichés/rolls to store their images.

Basically we don’t want the photo to be too dark or too light. It is determined by ourselves (the man behind the gun) who holds the camera. If this happens, then try to check the three components again, looking for what is lacking and what is more. Because everything has to work properly.

Then in the end the photos can be reviewed through the camera’s LCD screen, then printed. For those who use film cameras, the film must be processed first, other terms are developed and then printed.

A few reviews of the guide to operating an SLR/DSLR camera according to the knowledge and description that I can provide. I am very happy to receive questions regarding photography, as well as constructive criticism and suggestions I always hope from readers. Thank you.

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