Best Reviews, Skills, Tips & Combos
Free Fire (FF) is not only inhabited by male characters, but also many female characters who decorate this game. That’s why the Free Fire (FF) game is not only played by men, but also women. Among the many female characters that exist, Kelly Free Fire is one of the figures who quite steals the attention.
As you know, speed is one of the important things in this shooting game. Because with speed, players will be more agile in moving. That’s what Kelly’s character has. Kelly is equipped with a special skill that can make him run very fast.
Kelly Free Fire Review
Kelly’s character in Free Fire is depicted as a 17 year old female figure. With a relatively young age, Kelly became a running athlete in his high school. He even has another name, namely Shimada Kiriko. For Kelly, running is ingrained. Whenever and wherever Kelly was, she would keep running.
Especially when he finds a path that is similar to a running track. Whatever the obstacles and challenges, he will keep running to get through them. Seeing Kelly’s hobby of running, it is not surprising that this beautiful character is equipped with skills that are not far from her hobby. With that skill, Kelly can dodge enemy attacks very quickly.
Kelly Free Fire Skills
Being a running athlete makes Kelly one of the characters with the fastest speed. Especially when Kelly has activated his skill, then his running speed will increase faster. In addition to speed, Kelly is also equipped with a skill called Dash Run. As the name implies, this one skill is still connected to running.
When Kelly activates her Dash Run skill, her running speed will increase faster. Like other Free Fire (FF) characters, there are differences in each level when Kelly activates the dash run skill. When still at level 1, Kelly’s speed only increased by 1 percent.
Although small, that number is enough to be a differentiator compared to other characters. At level 2, Kelly’s speed can increase by 2 percent. In each level, the speed of Kelly will increase by one percent. So, Kelly’s speed increase when he activates his Dash Run is a maximum of 6 percent.
In that maximum speed, Kelly will be able to run as fast as lightning so it is difficult to catch or attack the opponent. This is what makes the enemy annoyed and does not want to face Kelly who can run very fast.
How to Play Kelly Free Fire
After knowing Kelly’s skill that relies on speed, you must be able to understand how to play in order to get maximum results. That way, the opportunity to get booyah will open wider.
The first thing you can do when you play Kelly is to distract your opponent. In a sense, you don’t have to bother attacking the enemy, because you just have to outwit your opponent so that other players can attack him.
Of course, this method requires high teamwork. Make sure you have another character besides Kelly who has high attack power. That way, you will be able to finish off the enemy in a relatively short time.
Next, you can do this yourself without asking other members for help. Because Kelly can move quickly, you can finish off enemies faster. Not only one, you can even finish off the enemy in a short time when activating the Dash Run skill.
Kelly FF’s Best Combos
Doing combos with other characters in Free Fire will be an added value so you can get booyah faster. Kelly is no exception. Even though you already have the Dash Run skill that can increase its speed, you can still do combos to get the best results. There are at least four characters that can be the best combo of Kelly’s character in Free Fire. For more, see below.
The best combo of Kelly’s character in the first Free Fire is Rafael. Kelly, who has speed skills, will be greatly helped by the presence of Rafael who has high attack power. Although basically Kelly also has the ability to fight, but because the main focus is speed, it will be better if you do combos with other characters, one of which is Rafael.
Next is DJ Alok who can also be Kelly’s best combo in Free Fire. This one character is not only equipped with skills that can provide movement speed, but can also increase the player’s HP. With the combination of Kelly and DJ Alok, they will become a strong couple. Not only in terms of attack, but defense is also quite tight.
It turns out that Jota can also be Kelly’s best combo in Free Fire. If Kelly is able to kill an opponent using a weapon, later it will activate Jota’s skill that can increase the player’s HP.
The last character who can be Kelly’s best combo in Free Fire is Laura. This character has a skill that has high accuracy when shooting. So when Kelly becomes a swindler, you can use Laura’s attack power to finish off her enemies. For those of you who like to run, then this Kelly character is perfect for you. With speed, the chance of booyah will also be faster.
The Advantages of Kelly FF Characters
- Can run fast.
- Eliminate the enemy in a short time.
- A good opponent swindler.
Kelly FF Character Weaknesses
- Skill will only be active when not holding a weapon
That’s the review, skills, tips and the best combo pair for Kelly’s character in the Free Fire (FF) game, are you now interested in trying it? Always wait for the latest information about Free Fire and the Battle Royale game only in Game News. So you don’t miss the news, you can follow the news Instagram and Facebook accounts. You can also join us on the Kabar Games Discord Channel. Don’t forget to leave your comments!
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