Apex Legends' Next New Hero Is Horizon?
As we already know that season 6 of the Apex Legends game will end in a few weeks.
So it’s not surprising that Respawn has now started to give a leak about what will be present in the next system, season 7.
In the news circulating in the Apex legend battle royale game, it seems that a new hero or legend will be released in season 7 later.
If we look at season 6 now the player that the players get is Rampart, which is a Hero who has a mechanical profession from India.
And for season 7, it is planned that players from the Apex legend will soon be tempted to buy and also get the latest hero from season 7, Horizon.
Respawn tempts its players with strategies through a challenge they call A Wee Experiment, where the challenge is already accessible in the Apex legends game.
For those of you who want to take part in this challenge, it’s actually quite easy, you only need to do 10 damage while in the air, and you also have to be able to do 10 knockdowns.
And lastly, you must be able to survive from 120 existing players, where players who will successfully complete the challenge will be able to take a keycard to open the gravity lift on the Apex legends game map.
Now someone has been able to complete the class, precisely by a player named Lore nerd, where he has completed and also summarized a video showing the figure of the new Hero Apex legend, Horizon.
This new legend, Horizon picks up that he is a Meri showers doctor where Horizon is conducting an experiment called A Wee.
Actually, we can’t confirm the presence of this Hero will be a new hero in the next season, namely season 7.
Because when we remember again in season 4 yesterday, the presence of Hero Forge was actually killed by a legend named Revenant and finally introduced the hero who killed the hero into the new season 4 yesterday, nicknamed the assassin.
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