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7 Best Items for Assassin Heroes in Mobile Legends

Hero Assassin is a very popular hero in Mobile Legends.

With high attack speed and great damage, being a Savage is easy when using Assassin.

I’m sure those of you who often play Mobile Legends also really like using Assassin heroes, right?

But, for the selection of items themselves, it can’t be arbitrary. Because if you use items carelessly, your Assassin hero will not have a good attack.

Well, instead of being confused, Androbuntu this time will review the 7 best items for Assassin heroes in Mobile Legends. Checkidot!

7 Best Items for Assassin Heroes in Mobile Legends

1. Calamity Scythe

Calamity Scythe
Calamity Scythe

This Calamity Scythe is not suitable for all Assassin heroes. But only suitable for some Assassin heroes, for example is Karina.

Because Karina is a special hero, namely Mage and Assassin, she relies heavily on her magic damage.

Well, with this Camality Scythe, it will increase magic power by 70 points.

By adding this item when you use Karina, the attack will hurt more and can seriously injure the enemy.

This item will also provide an additional effect of 10% cooldown reduction. So, you can issue skills more often.

And don’t be afraid to run out of mana, because this item will also give you an additional 400 mana.

Also read: Cool! These 5 Mobile Legends Heroes Can Still Escape Even When They Are Surrounded

2. Blade Armor

Blade Armor
Blade Armor

On several occasions, when using Assassin we have to deal with several opponents at once.

Therefore, we need a good defense so we don’t die easily.

Actually Androbuntu has already reviewed several tips and tricks so that it doesn’t die easily when playing Mobile Legends.

One of the best armor for Assassin heroes is Blade Armor.

This item will give you additional armor of 100 points. Pretty good right?

So your Assassin hero is not very crunchy when attacked by enemies.

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3. Beast Killer

beast killer
Beast Killer

One of the weaknesses of Assassin heroes is that they are easily killed by Mage.

Therefore, you need an item that is able to provide magic resistance so that it is not easily killed by Mage.

Well, to accommodate these needs, you can use an item called Beast Killer.

Beast Killer will make you able to keep up with Mage. So it’s not easy to die if you have to duel with them.

Also read: 11 Mobile Legends Heroes Who Are Proved to Often Do Savage

4. Blade of Despair

blade of despair

A lot of Hero Assassins rely on their attack speed. An example is Hayabusa.

With Blade of Despair, the Assassin you use can attack faster.

There is also an additional Physical Attack of 130 points.

Not only that, you can also do critical more often because there is an additional 10% Critical Strike Chance.

Also read: Here are 5 items that Mage must use in Mobile Legends

5. Berserker’s Fury

Berserker's FuryThe next item that you must have when using Assassin is Berserker’s Fury.

This item is usually used by Assassin in the mid game. Berserker’s Fury will increase your physical attack by 65 points.

There is also an additional 25% critical chance.

The essence of this item is, your Assassin hero attacks will be more painful.

Both in terms of ordinary attacks and critical attacks.

Also read: These are 5 things you will experience if you often die in Mobile Legends

6. Magic Shoes

Magic Shoes
Magic Shoes

Every hero in Mobile Legends requires an item in the form of shoes.

Well, speaking of shoes, the most suitable item for Assassin is Magic shoes.

Magic Shoes will reduce your cooldown time by 10%.

There is also a unique 40 point movement speed effect. So, you can move places quickly.

Also read: Don’t Use! These are 5 Heroes with the Worst Escape Mechanism in Mobile Legends

7. Haas’s Claws

Haas's Claws

Actually, not all Assassin heroes are suitable for using Haas’s Claws.

However, there are several types of Assassin that are very suitable for using this item.

This item will increase the lifesteal by 10% when the hero’s HP is below 40%.

Imagine, every time you attack, your HP will be full again quickly thanks to this item.

Also read: These 5 Mobile Legends Heroes Can Win Even If They Fight Alone


Those are the 7 best items for Assassin heroes in Mobile Legends. Just adjust the needs according to the hero you are using.

Good luck.

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