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5 Items that Hero Tankers Must Use in Mobile Legends

The Hero Tanker can be said to be one of the most important heroes in the team. Without a Tanker, the team’s defense will be easily broken by the opponent.

Tanker’s role is to withstand all enemy attacks. That way the tower is not easily destroyed.

Even though they already have high HP and defense, Tanker heroes can still increase their HP and defense. The trick, of course, is to use the right items.

Speaking of items, here are 5 items that the Tanker hero must use in the Androbuntu version of Mobile Legends.

5 Items that Hero Tankers Must Use in Mobile Legends

1. Cursed Helmet

Cursed Helmet Mobile Legends
Cursed Helmet

The first item that you must buy when using the Tanker hero is Cursed Helmed. This item will increase the amount of HP and also the magic resistance of your Tanker hero.

In total you will get an additional 920 HP and 50 magic resistance points.

Besides being hard to die because your HP is getting thicker, the Tanker hero you use will also be immune to magic attacks.

This is certainly useful to ward off the opponent’s Mage hero attack. Because in every match, surely the opponent will have at least 1 Mage.

Also read: 5 Items that Hero Mage Must Use in Mobile Legends

2. Bloodthirsty King

Bloodthirsty King Mobile Legends
Bloodthirsty King

The next item is Bloodthorsty King, which will make you even more invincible.

Imagine, this item will add your HP by 1550 points.

This item is very suitable for use by all Tanker heroes. That way you can withstand all the opponent’s attacks perfectly without fear of death.

In addition, this item will also speed up the cooldown time of all your skills.

That way you can use the skill more often.

Also read: 5 Beginner Mistakes When Buying Items in Mobile Legends

3. Warrior Boots

Warrior Boots
Warrior Boots

Almost all heroes in Mobile Legends must use shoe items (except those that don’t). In addition to increasing movement speed, shoe items will also add a little defense.

And the most suitable shoe item for the Tanker hero is of course Warrior Boots.

This 600 gold item will give you 40 movement speed points and 22 armor points.

So, you can move quickly and move lanes more flexibly.

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4. Blade Armor

Blade Armor
Blade Armor

The pride of the Tanker hero in Mobile Legends, of course, is his very high defense. So it is not easily penetrated by the opponent’s attack.

Well, Blade Armor will make your Tanker as hard as its defensive armor.

By using this item, your Tanker hero will get an additional 100 points of armor.

No one will be willing to attack you anymore, because it’s just a waste of time.

Also read: 5 Fastest Heroes in Killing Minions

5. Dominance Ice

Dominance Ice
Dominance Ice

There are still more items for the Tanker hero. Namely Dominance Ice.

This item is useful for reducing skill cooldown time. That way, you can spam skills to your opponent.

You will also get an additional 500 mana. So your mana is also getting thicker.

Plus you will also get 70 armor. The more powerful the Tanker hero you use.

Also read: The 5 most suitable heroes duet with Johnson in Mobile Legends


Hero Tanker in essence is already equipped with HP and high defense. But to get the most out of it, you need to use the right item.

The 5 items above are the most suitable items for Tanker heroes in Mobile Legends. That way, the Tanker you use will be even more invincible.

Good luck bro~

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