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5 Disadvantages If Your Team Uses 2 Tankers In Mobile Legends

In the Mobile Legends game, there is one role called tanker.

Tanker is a hero whose job is to withstand the opponent’s attack and as a war initiator.

In every match, effectively one team should only have 1 tanker.


Because the other 4 players have to balance the game by using assassin, fighter, mage, and others.

But, what happens if in a match in Mobile Legends your team has 2 tankers?

Of course there will be more disadvantages than advantages. Starting from a lack of attack power to an unbalanced game.

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The following are 5 disadvantages if your team has 2 tankers:

1. Lack of attack power

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Despite having a very high defense, the tanker hero is very weak in terms of attack.

Not surprising indeed, because tankers are actually designed to block the opponent’s attack.

His friends are in charge of attacking from behind.

Well, if your team has 2 tankers, of course the first thing that will be felt is that your team lacks attack power.

That way your team will find it difficult to beat the opponent’s hero.

2. Advantage for the enemy during war

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Don’t think that using 2 tankers makes your team superior during war.

On the contrary, it will be an advantage for the opposing team to beat you easily.


Because your attack power is weak.

Your team’s defense is indeed high because it uses 2 tankers, but in return, your team’s attack will be very weak.

This can be a big advantage for the opposing team.

The opposing team becomes difficult to kill. And on many occasions, they can attack your team members with ease.

The trick is to ignore 2 tankers, and focus on assassins, mages and other roles.

3. Not effective to protect other heroes

As I said above, the effectiveness of a tanker is only 1 person in 1 team.

By using 2 tankers in one team will actually make the team become old.

2 tankers will be confused with each other, especially if both are in one lane. Who protects whom?

4. Make your own team confused during war

The 4th point is similar to the 3rd point.

During war, your team will be confused by the presence of 2 tankers.

Who should attack and should receive the opponent’s attack?

Must be confused right? That’s because there are 2 tankers. So very ineffective.

5. Difficult to destroy the opponent’s tower

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To be able to win the match in Mobile Legends, the main key of course is to destroy the opponent’s main tower.

To be able to destroy the opposing tower effectively of course requires a large enough attack.

And the big attack doesn’t exist on the tanker.

Therefore, if there are 2 tankers in your team, your team will find it very difficult to destroy the opposing tower.

Those are the 5 drawbacks if there are 2 tankers in your team when playing Mobile Legends. So, avoid using 2 tankers in one team.

If you want to use a tanker, but someone else already uses a tanker on the team, replace it with another role.

It’s for the sake of team effectiveness.

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