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5 Best Mobile Legends Heroes To Beat Cyclops

Cyclops is one of the best Mage heroes in Mobile Legends. One of its advantages is its good ability in farming and roaming.

He can move here and there easily thanks to his second skill.

As a result, this one-eyed Mage is known as a Mage which is quite slippery because it is difficult to catch.

If you want to catch and kill Cyclops, then it’s a good idea to use the 5 Cyclops hero counters below.

The 5 heroes below are equipped with abilities that can corner Cyclops.

5 Best Heroes To Defeat Cyclops

1. Hayabusa

The Strongest Assassin Hero in Mobile Legends

Want to beat Cyclops easily? Just fight with Hayabusa.

Hayabusa is an expert in dealing with Mage like Cyclops.

By using his second skill, Hayabusa can move around easily. Makes Cyclops difficult to stop him.

Moreover, with his ultimate skill, Hayabusa can destroy Cyclops without mercy.

When using Hayabusa against Cyclops, make sure that the fight takes place at close range.

Because if it’s too far away, then it can be an advantage for Cyclops.

Also read: Powerful Tricks Using Hayabusa

2. Akai

Even though he is a Tanker, don’t get me wrong, Akai can also be used to defeat Cyclops.

To be able to do this, you must use an item called Cursed Helmet. With the help of this item, Akai’s HP becomes thicker. Plus it can be more immune to magic attacks.

How to use Akai to defeat Cyclops is more or less like this:

When you are almost hit by Cyclops’ mainstay attack, immediately use your ultimate sill too. That way you will spin.

That way Akai will receive the immobilize effect. So, even if you are affected by the Cyclops skill and don’t move, anyone who approaches you will be hit.

The attacks you receive in this position will also be less.

Also read: 11 Most Savage Heroes in Mobile Legends

3. Valir

Valir Mobile Legends
Valir Mobile Legends

The average best hero to fight Cyclops is Assassin or Fighter. But, now there is a new hero that can be used to kill Cyclops.

The hero is Valir.

How to fight or even kill Cyclops using Valir?


When Cyclops attacks you with his second skill, then respond with skill two as well. Likewise, when he attacks you with skill one, respond again with skill one.

Well, when the ultimate skill is what determines. Before Cyclops attacks you using his ultimate skill, beat Cyclops.

Then use your ultimate skill to trap him.

Then the Cyclops will burn thanks to the fire you generate from the ultimate skill.

Also read: 10 Heroes With the Best Farming Skills in Mobile Legends

4. Miya

guide miya mobile legends

If Miya still no doubt will be able to avoid Cyclops’ ultimate skill that sucks.

When Cyclops tries to trap you with its ultimate skill, then you can get away easily using its ultimate skill too.

The mechanism is, just before Cyclops attacks you with his ultimate skill, immediately use Miya’s ultimate skill.

That way Miya will receive the effect of movement speed and enter stealth mode alias disappears for a few seconds.

When it disappears, Miya will not be able to be attacked or receive effects from enemies. So, the Cyclops skill can’t hit you.

That’s not all. When using this ultimate skill, Miya’s attack speed will also increase drastically.

You can use this to beat Cyclops until he is cornered and dies.

For tips and tricks using Miya, you can read about it in the article Androbuntu wrote before.

Also read: Tips for Using Miya in Mobile Legends

5. Zilong

The Strongest Assassin Hero in Mobile Legends

Zilong is equipped with a skill that is very detrimental to Cyclops. For you Cyclops users, be careful if you meet Zilong.

One of Cyclops’ weaknesses is that it is difficult to fight at close range.

Well, when Cyclops tries to keep his distance, you can use Zilong’s second skill to increase movement and damage.

After feeling close enough, then slash him to death using your magic spear.

Here is an example video of a Zilong user defeating Cyclops:


Well, those were 5 heroes that you can use to beat Cyclops in Mobile Legends. Although it is quite difficult to catch, but by using the 5 heroes above, you can defeat the small mage easily.

Before that, of course you have to master the 5 heroes above first.

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