4 Ways to Overcome This Site Can't Be Reached on Windows (100% Work)
Steps on how to solve this site can’t be reached on windows when browsing or googling
Many causes that make us fail to open a site. One of them is because of problems with the internet connection. Not only that, the wrong site address can also be a factor in a site failing to open.
Therefore, we must pay close attention to the internet connection and also the site address first if we want to open it.
However, have you ever experienced not being able to open a site even though your internet connection and site address are fine? Well, for this problem can occur due to technical errors. To overcome this, we can do it in several ways.
4 Ways to Overcome This Site Can’t Be Reached
You must have experienced the message This Site Can’t Be Reached on the Google Chrome browser, right? This can be caused by an error in the DNS Server that we use. Therefore, to overcome this we have to do some of the steps below. Here’s how to solve This Site Can’t Be Reach on Windows.
1. Reset DNS Server
We can do this method if we want to solve an error on a website if there is a message This Site Can’t Be Reach. Here’s how to reset DNS Server.
1. Show the Run program by clicking the button Windows + R on the keyboard. Then type the command control panel. After that click the button OK.
2. After that, the Control Panel window box will be displayed. To set up DNS, then we have to go into the menu Network and Internet.
3. In the menu, click menu Network and Sharing Center.
4. Next on the left, click menu Change adapter settings.
5. Then various kinds of network connections will appear on your computer. Right-click on the internet network that we are currently using. Then click menu Properties.
6. In the Properties window, click on the section Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). Then click menu Properties.
7. Click menu General, then click on options Use the following DNS server addresses. Next, change Preferred DNS server Becomes And Alternate DNS servers Becomes Finally, click the button OK.
2. Restart DNS Client
You can use this method if the first method doesn’t work. Here’s how to restart the DNS Client.
1. Show the RUN program by clicking Windows + R on your computer keyboard. After that type the command services.msc. Then click the button Ok.
2. Next in the Services (Local) section, find and click settings DNS Client. Then look at our section, click the button Restart.
3. Reset Google Chrome Settings To Default
The occurrence of errors when browsing usually lies in Google Chrome settings that are not as expected. To fix this, we can restore Google Chrome rules to default or default settings. Here’s how to reset Google Chrome settings to default.
1. Open the Google Chrome browser on your computer, then click the three-dot icon in the upper right-hand position. Then click menu Settings.
2. Next, scroll down to the settings menu and you will find the Advanced menu. Click menu Advanced the.
3. Then scroll again until you find the Reset and clean up section. Click menu Restore settings to their original defaults.
4. Then a reset box will appear as shown in the picture. Click button Reset Settings.
4. Disable Antivirus
The last way if the first way to the third way above can’t be a solution is to disable antivirus or disable antivirus. There are conditions where Google Chrome cannot be accessed if your computer’s antivirus is active. Here’s how to disable antivirus.
1. In this tutorial I use Avast antivirus. So for those of you who use another antivirus, you can disable it according to the antivirus you use. In Avast antivirus, to disable antivirus you have to click system tray which is under the toolbar menu position on the right. Then there is the avast antivirus icon, right click on Avast icon. Then click menu Avast shields control. Next to disable it you can adjust it to your liking.
Thus the article that explains how to overcome This Site Can’t Be Reached. Hopefully this article can be useful for you.

Just someone who loves to write and is interested in Technology. And people who always believe in the words ‘Effort will not betray Results’.
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