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3 Ways to Lock Folders on a Windows Laptop / PC (Without Applications)

How to lock folders on laptops and windows 10, 8 and 7 computers with a password without the help of additional applications

Data and all matters of privacy on the computer is an absolute right for us as computer owners.

Some people may not want the data on their laptop or computer to be accessed by others, even worse, it is misused for things that harm users.

Therefore, securing our laptop data is the first step that we need to do to avoid unwanted things. There are several ways to secure data on a laptop, one of them is by giving a password to your important folder.

How to Lock Important Folders on Laptop / PC

There are three ways that can be used to lock important folders on a laptop, the first without requiring additional applications and the second and third with the help of third-party applications. Let’s just start the steps.

1. Lock Folder Without Application

1. Go to the important folder you want to lock then right click.

Go to folder

2. After that you select New > Text Documents.

New > Text Document” width=”680″ height=”662″ data-recalc-dims=”1″/></p><p>3. After that <strong>click 2X</strong> <span style=New Text Document to edit it.

click 2X New Text Document

4. Paste the code below:

cls@ECHO OFFtitle Folder Lockerif EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2021-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCKif NOT EXIST Locker goto MDLOCKER:CONFIRMecho Apakah kamu ingin mengunci folder? (Y/N)set/p "cho=>"if %cho%==Y goto LOCKif %cho%==y goto LOCKif %cho%==n goto ENDif %cho%==N goto ENDecho Invalid choice.goto CONFIRM:LOCKren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2021-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2021-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"echo Folder lockedgoto End:UNLOCKecho Masukkan password untuk membuka folderset/p "pass=>"if NOT %pass%==nesabamedia goto FAILattrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2021-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"ren "Control Panel.{21EC2021-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Lockerecho Folder Unlocked successfullygoto End:FAILecho Invalid passwordgoto end:MDLOCKERmd Lockerecho Locker created successfullygoto End:End

5. Then search for the word nesabamedia which is the password to lock your important folders. Change as you wish (avoid the use of spaces in the password, a combination of letters and passwords will suffice).

how to lock folder in windows

6. After that you save by selecting File > Save As..

File > Save As” width=”680″ height=”635″ data-recalc-dims=”1″/></p><p>7. Name it <span style=locker.bat then on options Save as type choose All Files. Next select Save.

select All Files

8. A text file called New Text Document is no longer needed, so just delete it.

how to lock a folder on a laptop with a password

9. Next click 2X file locker.

double click file locker

10. A folder named will automatically appear locker. Move all important folders and files you into the folder locker.

all important folders and files

11. After that click 2X file locker.

how to lock folder with password

12. Type y then press Enter.

press Enter

13. Folders locker in which there are folders and your important files will be lost (more precisely hidden). If you want to open the folder, stay click 2X locker folders.

Your important files will be lost

14. Enter the password then press Enter.

Enter password

15. Folders locker will reappear.

Folder Locker

I forgot the password, what should I do?

You don’t have to worry if you forget your password to open a locked folder. Just right click the file locker then select Edit after that you can find out the password.

I forgot the password

2. Lock folders with Folder Guard

The next way you can try to lock your important folders is to use software. In this tutorial, I use a software called Folder Guard. Follow these steps to lock a folder using Folder Guard.

1. Download the software here.

2. When finished, install the software as usual. After installation, you will be asked to create a password as shown below.

thirteenth step

3. After that click on writing Lock a folder with a password… to add the folder you want to lock.


4. Select Browse for folders to locate the folder you want to lock.


5. Enter the password to lock the folder in question. Please enter the same password that you created in step number 2. Actually you can create a different password for each folder, but to make it easier to remember, the password is the same. After that, select Next.


6. If you have determined the password, please select Finish.


7. To activate the password for the folder that you set earlier, click the button Protect like in the picture below.

nineteenth step

8. To check whether it is successful or not, please enter the folder that you gave the password earlier. Well, as you can see in the image below, it appears that all the files contained in the Nesaba Media (locked folder) is missing/hidden. To open it, click the button Unlock.


9. Enter the password you created earlier, then select OK.


10. If the password you entered is correct, all files in the folder will appear. If you want to lock it back, just click the button Lock.

how to lock folder

3. Lock folders with Wise Folder Hider

As the name suggests, the main function of Wise Folder Hider is to hide important folders or files so that not just anyone can access them.

Even so, every time someone wants to access the folder / file, they must first enter the password that has been previously specified. Curious about this software? Let’s see the steps below.

1. Download Wise Folder Hider via the following link.

2. Install the software as usual, then open Wise Folder Hider. The first time you open this software, you will be asked for a password as shown in the image below.

Please enter a secure but easy-to-remember password. This password will be used when you want to open a folder or file that has been hidden. If you have, click OK.

Wise Folder Hider 1

3. Please drap and drop the folder/file you want to hide on the main screen of Wise Folder Hider.

Wise Folder Hider 2

4. Folder or file (example file: Test Folder) that has been successfully hidden will appear on the main screen of the Wise Folder Hider, more or less the image as shown below. Status Hidden indicates that the folder cannot be seen by anyone, unless you have a password to access Wise Folder Hider.

Wise Folder Hider 3

5. For example, the location of the Test Folder folder is located in the folder Documents. As we can see in the image below, the folder is named Test Folder nothing in other words successfully hidden.

Wise Folder Hider 4

6. When you want to open the “Test Folder” folder then you have to click the button Open green color.

Wise Folder Hider 5

7. Next the “Test Folder” folder will open and on the Wise Folder Hider menu screen, the status changes from Hidden Becomes Visible.

Wise Folder Hider 6

8. When you are done with your business, whether it’s creating a new file or editing a file in the folder, don’t forget to close the Wise Folder Hider application then automatically the folder will be hidden again.

9. So every time you want to open the Wise Folder Hider application, you must first enter the password that has been previously determined. This way, only you can open folders or files that have been hidden.

How to Lock a Folder on a Laptop with Wise Folder Hider

Actually there are other software that you can try, such as Folder Lock and other similar software. But I think Folder Guard or Wise Folder Hider is more than enough.

Please decide for yourself which way you prefer, which is without the application or using the application. Or do you have a way to lock a separate folder? There’s nothing wrong with sharing it in the comments box provided.

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