Before reading further, you must first know the type of smartphone you have, because how to deal with a slow cellphone and its causes can vary greatly depending on the type of Android smartphone you have.
Full Internal Memory and RAM The capacity of internal memory and RAM is different in every smartphone, this is one of the most common causes of slow cellphones. Internal memory and RAM being full can reduce the capabilities of your Android drastically. Applications can freeze and not smooth when navigating. In addition to applications and games, personal files such as videos and photos can also make the smartphone’s internal memory full.
Many Apps Running The number of battery-consuming applications installed on smartphones that make Android RAM full and unable to provide space for the smartphone system itself is one of the causes of cellphones often slowing down. In addition, there are many applications running in the background that are sometimes not realized, such as antivirus, wi-fi, gps and even many social media applications that can be active in the background without having to be opened first.
Piling Cache Cache or better known as “junk files” will continue to grow when you open and run applications on your smartphone. If the cache is not cleaned, the garbage will accumulate on the internal memory and cause the smartphone to not operate optimally so that it becomes slow.
Rarely Update OS Every smartphone manufacturer usually provides regular Android OS updates to its product users. If the latest update is available, smartphone users will usually get a notification advising them to download the OS update to a higher Android version.
But many are lazy to update the OS so that the smartphone is still running on the old operating system. Even though you often have to update the OS to the latest version because the latest operating system usually comes with many upgrades that can help smartphone performance no longer be slower and faster.
Virus Affected System The android system on a smartphone that is attacked by viruses and malware will have a bad impact on the performance of the smartphone itself. Viruses are one of the causes of the slow performance of your smartphone
How to Overcome a Slow Hp
Delete Unused Apps and Games The first way to overcome a slow cellphone is to delete applications or games that are no longer used. This is so that the smartphone has a lot of free space in the internal memory and the smartphone’s RAM load is lighter because the need for several applications is reduced.
Don’t Use Live Wallpaper In addition to making the smartphone battery wasteful and hot quickly, this can also make the smartphone less responsive due to slow system performance on some Android components. this is one of the most powerful ways to overcome the performance of your slow cellphone to be lighter.
Install Anti-Virus Applications The next solution, use an anti-virus application such as AVAST Mobile Security to scan your smartphone and prevent your smartphone from contracting a virus, because a virus will make your cellphone or smartphone sometimes slower.
Install the Clean Master Application Clean Master is an application that is often used by some people to delete cookies and cache on smartphones so that junk files that occupy internal memory do not accumulate. Often people ignore this method, even though this is one of the best tips for dealing with a slow cellphone.
Remove Widget on Home Screen We recommend that you remove useless widgets on your smartphone’s Home Screen, this aims to reduce news (information) displays that are connected to the internet and applications on the smartphone. RAM will work harder when widgets and applications are simultaneously, especially if your smartphone is still running the old Android OS like Jelly Bean.
So that’s how to deal with a slow android phone and its causes, hopefully it’s useful! Keep up with the Game News to get lots of interesting information about the latest games and gadgets news, various reviews to useful tips and tricks for your smartphone.
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