What is the Free Fire Logo Philosophy? Let's Find Out In This Article!
Hello friends, FF gamers, of course you have felt the excitement of playing the Free Fire game, right? The fights and battles that are presented really provoke your adrenaline when playing the game.
As a FF player, you are challenged to play smart, that is, you have to be good at managing battle strategies, in addition to mastering skills and getting support from various premium items that will further strengthen the Free Fire character you are playing.
Apart from the above, have you ever found out what the true meaning or philosophy of the Free Fire logo is? Because there’s no way a game as big as Free Fire doesn’t have a philosophy on the logo it uses, right?
Benefits of a Logo in a Branding
The existence of a logo philosophy, such as the philosophy of the Free Fire logo and the like, cannot be separated from the importance of the existence of the logo as branding. In this case, the main function of the logo is at least 3, namely:
1. Make Brand Easily Known
The existence of a logo as a separate brand is very effective in introducing the product to the public. In its development, when the logo is already known to people, of course they will immediately know the brand just by looking at the logo that is displayed.
Likewise with the Free Fire game. Just by looking at the Free Fire logo, you can immediately recognize this game, right? Of course all this cannot be separated from the existence of this game brand that is well known to people.
2. Differentiating the Product from Other Products
Every company or industry certainly has a product that is different from one another, even though the category or genre of the product is the same. Well, the philosophy of a logo including the Free Fire logo will certainly not be separated from its existence as a product that is different from other products. The difference can be seen from several sides, one of which is the superiority of the products offered.
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3.Influence Customer Psychology
The existence of a logo as a brand will not be separated from its benefits in influencing customer psychology. When a brand begins to be known by people and the advantages it offers, automatically customers psychologically will easily accept the various offers provided by the brand, even though it is a new product.
The three functions above show the importance of having a logo as branding. No wonder every company or industry is really serious when it comes to setting a certain logo related to the business being run. Because, they understand that the logo will last forever and will become a brand that is known to the public.
So what is the philosophy of the Free Fire logo?
To be honest, until now the admin does not know what the philosophy of the Free Fire logo is. The reason is, as far as the admin knows, there has been no official statement from Garena regarding the logo philosophy used.
Of course the logo has a philosophy, and it will not be far from the existence of the game as a battle royale survival game. It’s just that the admin does not dare to set this philosophy without an official statement, because it will be made up later.
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