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Tips and Tricks to Play LifeAfter

LifeAfter is a game survival made by NetEase which invites you to survive from zombie attacks. In this game, you will be hunting, gathering resources, and crafting. In addition to zombie attacks, you will face extreme weather and various other obstacles.

You have to work together with friends or other players to survive the zombie attacks.

For those of you who have difficulties or obstacles when playing LifeAfter, here are tips and tricks to play LifeAfter.

Craft weapons and armor as soon as possible

You have to have at least a gun, at least a bow or if you want to survive longer you have to build a rifle to explore zombie-infested areas. Go to gear workstation -> craft -> make weapons.

You can make a melee weapon, the Mondragon rifle. To make a machete, you need wood, stone, hemp, iron ore. All of these items can be found in the wilderness. Helicopter -> Pact Zone -> wilderness (autumn forest). Meanwhile, to make a Mondragon rifle, you need wood, pig iron, and bone. Bone can be obtained by killing animals in the wilderness. To make pig iron, you will need iron ore and twig. Tap the mini-map once you’re in the wilderness -> zoom the mini map and you’ll see the available resources

In addition to weapons, don’t forget to make armor as soon as possible because armor can increase defense and reduce damage received.

Collect hemp to make bandage

To restore HP, you need bandage. To make a bandage, you need a hemp. Tap make option -> restore -> bandage. Use bandage when your HP is low.

Get a backpack

If you die, then you will lose the items you have. After you die, you can respawn in random locations or at home. To be able to get the item back, you have to visit the place where you died. Mark the place with the backpack icon on the mini-map and go there ASAP.

Dog orders to take care of you

You can assign a dog as a guard. get closer to the dog house signage -> view pet -> tap the dog -> guard. To feed the dog, tap the dog avatar in the upper left corner of the screen, select feed. Here you can increase your mood or fullness stats by feeding the dog. You can give your pet dog meat, milk, bones, and more.

Keep in mind, if your pet dog is not in the mood, then he will not want to follow your orders.

Use bed to recover HP

You have to sleep on the bed to be able to recover HP. By default, you get a free bed. You just need to explore the cabin or you can make your own bed.

Follow events

Tap ‘daily’ at the top right of the screen to check the ongoing events. You can get money and items in the event.

Cooperate with friends

You can team up with your friends to make the battle against zombies easier. If you don’t have friends playing this game, tap on the chat board at the bottom and then select contacts and you can invite them to join you or tap the sign > then select the flag icon -> tap to team up -> select an area -> select team -> join. In addition, you can also create your own team.

Keep in mind that you can’t meet your friends if your friends are on different servers.

Don’t starve!

In this game you have to keep your character full or not hungry. If you starve, it will lower your energy.

Those are the tips and tricks to play LifeAfter. If you have any other tips and tricks to share, feel free to write them down in the comments.


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