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MUI Will Decide Whether or Not PUBG Game is Haram Next Month

As we know, currently PUBG is being discussed by many people. This game made by Tencent is becoming a conversation because MUI is reviewing the fatwa for haram games PUBG.

Finally, this problem reached a bright spot after discussing with psychology experts, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, KPAI, and the Esports Association discussing the ban PUBG which was held at the MUI Office, Jalan Proklamasi, Menteng, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday.

Secretary of the MUI Fatwa Commission Asrorun Niam Sholeh conveyed the results of the discussions that had been carried out, several understandings were obtained which later became notes or recommendations for the results of the discussions.

First, the game as a cultural product has a negative side as well as a positive side. For this reason, FGD participants shared a common view of optimizing the positive side of the game and one of those efforts was to channel it through E-Sports, to optimize the value of benefits, provide rules that were originally without rules, then minimize negative impacts.

Second, in the interest of optimizing public awareness, the MUI Legal Commission proposed a review of Ministerial Regulation No. 11 of 2021 which is the government’s effort to provide regulation on games so that the benefits can be higher and the mafsadah (bad impact) caused.

Finally, age restrictions, content, time and impact. In addition, it also prohibits several types of games that actually contain pornographic content, gambling, deviant social behavior and content that is religiously prohibited as well as statutory regulations.

According to Niam, the notes on the results of the FGD above will later become a reference for internal discussions of the MUI Fatwa Commission.

Meanwhile, Deputy Secretary General of MUI Amirsyah Tambunan said the issuance of this haram fatwa was important to safeguard the benefit of young people who are addicted to playing PUBG.

“One month at the most. The sooner the better so that people are not confused, there is no doubt,” said Amirsyah at the vice president’s office, Jakarta, Monday (25/3).

So, games PUBG it hasn’t become haram because there is no haram label so far for the game. The new MUI will decide next month.

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