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How to Use Hero Mobile Legends Tank [Kelebihan & Kekurangan]

How to use a Tank-type Mobile Legends hero? Hero Mobile Legends is a Tank type with the task of covering and supporting the team to win the war or achieve victory.

Tanks in the Mobile Legends game are sometimes considered trivial, because indeed a Tanker is only in charge of protecting or covering the team, which means that killing enemies is not the main goal for this Tank-type Hero.

If you want to try or play a Tank-type Hero ML role, maybe those of you who choose to use it when Ranked reflect your maturity.

Because Mobile Legends players who always push Ranked are reluctant to choose Hero Tankers, they prefer Heroes other than Tankers whose goal is to get Kill.

Whereas the Hero Tanker is very important for the team and to achieve victory. Maybe without the presence of a Tank, even during the war it will be difficult because no one covers weak heroes with attacks like Mage or Marksman.

Therefore, in this article, we will provide information for each Tank-type Hero character so that you can use this information to defeat enemies when ranked or to know more about the Hero.

How to Use ML Hero Tank Type 1

There are several things you need to know that there are several categories that are grouped by Hero Tank Heroes in Mobile Legends, namely Pure Tanks and Non-Pure Tanks. And there are pictures and explanations of the differences.

Mobile Legends Pure Tank Hero Category

It is said to be a Pure Tank because his role is only as a Tank. And of course the build item used is a Defense item. So that the item function will make the Hero have a high HP and a high level of defense.

All of that aims to cover the Heroes on your team and support them in order to achieve victory.

Category Hero Tank Non – Pure Mobile Legends

It is said to be a Non Pure Tank because this Hero Tank is usually combined with Magic items as a strategy so that apart from being a Tank, he also has the power to help attack the enemy and not just cover the team.

For example, on Hero Hylos, you can add Magic items that will add Magic Power Hylos so that it is useful to help defeat enemies. The characteristics of this Hero is that the Specialty is Regen/Poke

And for tips on choosing a Hero Tank to enter the game with a team, there are several more different categories to know about.

Because some Hero Tank characters have different skills in the skills of these heroes, and all of that can be conditioned by team or enemy factors to win battles or games.

How to Use ML Hero Tank Type 4

Therefore, Heroes of the Tank type can be divided into 2 categories and you need to know about this.

Category Hero Tank ML Type Full Support

This type of Hero Tank is a Full Support type where it can be seen from the function of the skill – the skill is to provide protection to your team by the way you cover them. And usually equipped with high HP and high Defense too.

So this type of hero is sometimes the key to winning the war too because when the timing is right and you know your job is to be the protector of the initiator Hero on your team during the war.

So until the point where your HP runs out, you have to keep protecting the initiator Hero on your team so that you have the opportunity to attack the enemy continuously without being hindered by anyone because you cover it.

Why is Akai included in the Full Support Hero category, even though Akai is able to stun the enemy in his skills?

Answer :

Because to stun the enemy or to stun Akai must give a signal to the enemy with skill 2 then jump with skill 1 then Akai is able to stun the enemy. This means that Akai has a Crowd Control effect but not directly like other heroes.

For weaknesses, if we discuss Tank type heroes, the answer is in the players themselves. Because Hero Tanks are useful and useless, it depends on who is playing, not by the ability of the Hero.

All Hero Tank characters are very useful if the players themselves can carefully observe their surroundings, provide team protection with the right timing, and most importantly stay slow.

Next, I will explain one by one the Hero Tank Full Support to know about its advantages and disadvantages, the following is the description:

1. Hero Grock Mobile Legends

Hero Grock Mobile Legends

Hero Grock advantages:

  • His 1st skill has high damage if hit. Even when the game starts.
  • Passive which is very helpful because if it is close to a wall or rock then Grock gets additional Defense and Movement Speed.

Disadvantages of Hero Grock:

  • To use Ulti, you must first issue Skill 2 (raise a wall) in order to kill the enemy.
  • Skill 2 is sometimes not on target.
  • Ulti does not have a big effect if it is not stun.

2. Hero Belerick Mobile Legends

Hero Belerick Mobile Legends

Hero Belerick advantages:

  • Having a passive that helps because when the enemy attacks Belerick automatically the enemy will also be hit by attacks from his passive.
  • It could be said that it was difficult to finish off this Belerick.
  • The Ulti skill is decent, although it’s different from DIggie, which makes his team invulnerable, Belerick can absorb the damage that the team inflicts on Belerick itself.

Disadvantages of Hero Belerick:

  • It’s only useful as an enemy bag, which means covering. So it does not help attack the enemy.
  • You could say the path is slower than other Hero Tanks.

3. Hero Akai Mobile Legends

Hero Akai Mobile Legends

Hero Akai’s advantages:

  • Ultimate Skill really helps the team to attack or keep enemy attacks away from the team.
  • Skills 1 and 2 can be combined in attack and the effect will stun.
  • Akai’s attacks can be said to have enough damage to help the team reduce the enemy’s HP even though Akai is a Tanker.

Weaknesses of Hero Akai:

  • Must be on time and hit the target to use Ulti.

Category Hero Tank ML Crowd Control

This type of Hero Tank has an ability that can stun the opponent or enemy hero or give an attack where the enemy will not be able to avoid it or run.

Therefore, a Tank that has this ability can counter agile heroes like Harley or Fanny. This type of Hero Tank is very much needed when in the enemy team there is an agile Hero.

Next, each Crowd Control Hero Tank will be explained to find out its strengths and weaknesses, so you can use it as useful information to choose a Hero Tank that fits your team’s situation and that of the enemy team.

1. Hero Franco Mobile Legends

Hero Franco Mobile Legends

Hero Franco’s advantages:

  • Have Hooks.
  • When Franco pulls with a Hook, the enemy will be stunned even though the duration is very short.
  • Ultimate skill can stop the opponent or make the opponent stunned for a long time. So that it can stop dangerous attacks from heroes like Gusion or Fanny.

Weaknesses of Hero Franco:

  • It’s hard to direct the Hook to attract enemies, especially at the beginning.
  • Skill 2 is not enough to help much.

2. Hero Tigreal Mobile Legends

Hero Tigreal Mobile Legends

Tigreal Hero advantages:

  • Has skill 2 which really helps the team.
  • Can be combined with all the skills
  • Has an Ultimate Skill that really helps the team especially during the war.

Disadvantages of Tigreal Heroes:

  • Ultimate skill must be right on target and right timing.
  • Skill 1 is arguably not enough to help much.

3. Hero Minotaur Mobile Legends

Hero Minotaur Mobile Legends

Minotaur Hero Advantages:

  • Very thick HP or very high HP Bar.
  • Has skill 2 which can regenerate the Minotaur and his teammates if they are around him
  • His ultimate skill (Rage Mode) can create an earthquake around the Minotaur and stun nearby enemies and deal a lot of damage.

Minotaur Hero Disadvantages:

  • To give Ulti and smash/mestun the enemy must enter Rage Mode first.
  • Skill 1 doesn’t help much.

4. Hero Lolita Mobile Legends

Hero Lolita Mobile Legends

Lolita Hero Advantages:

  • Skill 1 Lolita really helps a lot because it will make Lolita move forward quickly and give Stun.
  • Skill 2 Lolita can block direct attacks (Basic Attack) and Franco’s Hook, after that Lolita will issue Energy Blast that can be directed.
  • His ultimate skill can provide Crowd Control attacks with a wide area range.

Disadvantages of Lolita Heroes:

  • Lolita’s Ultimate Skill has a pause before dealing a direct hit to the enemy. Sometimes this will allow the enemy to escape.

5. Hero Johnson Mobile Legends

Hero Johnson Mobile Legends

Hero Johnson’s Advantages:

  • Has a very helpful passive skill, which gives high armor which will add 2 temporary HP bars for 10 seconds if Johnson’s HP is below 30%.
  • The Ulti skill is very deadly if it is hit by an enemy because it will cause damage, give stun, and can reduce the Movement Speed ​​of nearby enemies.

Hero Johnson Weaknesses:

  • Skill 2 doesn’t help much.
  • Skill Ulti is fairly difficult to direct and really needs to be experienced.

6. Hero Gatotkaca Mobile Legends

Hero Gatotkaca Mobile Legends

Advantages of Hero Gatotkaca:

  • Skill 2 is very helpful because Gatotkaca will issue a Counter Attack that will deal fairly high damage.
  • Ultimate Skill that can stun the enemy
  • Skill 1 can reduce the enemy’s Movement Speed ​​even if there is still a sign of a blow from Gatotkaca then the effect of slowing the enemy is still there

Weaknesses of Hero Gatotkaca:

  • Skill 1 can sometimes be avoided easily by the enemy.
  • The Ulti skill on Gatotkaca will give a pause before carrying out an attack.

7. Hero Hylos Mobile Legends

Hero Hylos Mobile Legends

Superiority :

  • Skill 1 on Hylos can stun enemies and the Cooldown is relatively short.
  • Skill 2 Hylos can give attacks to nearby enemies. Very suitable for doing war to the enemy team so that it will help to repay the enemy’s HP.
  • Ultimate skill can be used as an alternative to escape or help friends to avoid enemies.

Deficiency :

  • Ultimate Skill can only help to provide Movement Speed ​​only.
  • Skill 2 that is used or activated will suck mana quickly so that if you forget to deactivate it and at that time your mana runs out, Hylos’ HP will decrease little by little.

8. Hero Uranus Mobile Legends

Hero Uranus Mobile Legends

Advantages of Hero Uranus:

  • Has a higher defense or armor than other Hero Tankers.
  • Skill 2 can provide additional Movement Speed ​​even though it’s only 15%.
  • Ulti Skill on Uranus is very large in damage.

Weaknesses of Hero Uranus:

  • Skills 1 and 2 are not helpful enough.

So many explanations and information tips for those of you who want to try playing the Tank role in the Mobile Legends game. And wait for the next article which is certainly also useful for you readers, so wait and don’t miss reading the next article.

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