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How To Track Friends / Others Via Line, Can!

Can we track friends or other people using the Line chat platform? some time ago we discussed tracking the position of people using WhatsApp, does Line have the same features?

In its own history the Line application came from Japan which we know that people from Japan have a high level of discipline, are smart and really appreciate time.

In 2021 Line has a new application that can help other users in a group or family and the name of the new product is called Line Here, the product is very in demand by users of the Line application until 2021.

In the end the Line Here application is no longer on the Google Play Store and the admin also tried to track it directly to the official line website and the results were also to no avail.

Even so, you can still get the Line Here application from various sites that you can search on the internet, when you have managed to get the Line Here application apk file and install it.

It’s a pity that the Line Here application is no longer working even though it has been verified and opened the Line application, but you don’t have to worry about tracking people via Line, it can still be done.

However, with a different and very easy method, this feature has become a direct part of the Line application so you no longer need to install additional applications.

How to Track Other People Via Line Without Additional Apps

The People Nearby feature can be used to track other people on the Line application and the good thing is that this feature does not require additional applications to use it.

To be able to enjoy the People Nearby feature, all you have to do is update your Line application via the Google Play Store, here’s how to track other people using Line.

1. After you update the Line application, just open it and you select the option Three Point in the top right corner.

How to Track People Via Line 1

2. Scroll down and my friend select the option People Nearby.

How to Track People Through Line 2

3. There is information that my friend must understand and know when activating the People Nearby feature, namely my friend can find new friends around.

Your profile and distance will be shown to other users when People Nearby is turned on and you can turn this feature off at any time. If you already understand then select the option

How to Track People Via Line 3

4. Now the Line application asks your friend for permission to be able to access your location so that the People Nearby feature can work properly. Buddy just choose the option Allow Location Access.

How to Track People Via Line 4

5. From the android system displays a question that is more or less the same, namely allow Line to access the location of this device? please, my friend, choose an option

How to Track People Via Line 5

6. Here are the sightings of people whose location you can know from the closest to the furthest from your location.

How to Track People Via Line 6

How about you soakers, it’s really easy, not how to track other people via the Line application just by using the People Nearby feature.

When the person you are tracking is not found, you can refresh again and new people will be shown later.

What is the Nearest and Farthest Distance People Can Be Searched For?

So the closest distance that can be achieved is in meters such as tens to hundreds of meters and the furthest distance we can get is 11 km.

Can We Outsmart In Order To Get A Longer Distance Of Up To Hundreds Of KM?

It’s a shame there’s no such way, even though the Line app actually uses GPS and Maps to get the location of other Line users and in theory it should be able to track people around the world.

But the Line application algorithm limits this capability and of course Line has its reasons. Admin estimates it’s because there are still limitations on the server capabilities that Line has.

What Happens When The People Nearby Feature Is Enabled?

What happens is that you can see other people along with their distance from you and you can also send friend requests to people you choose.

Besides you can see other people’s positions, your soakers position can also be seen by other people.

How to prevent others from seeing our location?

The method is very easy, you just need to re-access the People Nearby feature and then select the Gear image option in the upper right corner then select OK. That way, your location will no longer be visible to others, but you can no longer see other people’s locations.

So, those are the steps that you can do for how to track people via Line, also understand additional info from the Admin so that you understand more about all the explanations that the Admin has given.

Hopefully this tutorial can help my friend, and if you find it useful, please share this article on Soakers’ social media.

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