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How to Edit Names & Create Unique Names in Mobile Legends

In this article, I will tell those of you who want to change the name of the player in your favorite game, Mobile Legends. And besides how to change the name in Mobile Legends.

Here I will provide tips so that you also want to give names that are not Anti Mainstream so that the naming will make it easier for other players to remember because of its uniqueness and because it is not Anti Mainstream.

In addition to the name of an account or character for gamers, it is something that can show who he is and can be read by a user’s character from the account or character naming. Many names from ugly, simple, cool, ridiculous have been used by players.

Sometimes there is someone who always consistently uses the name he has used from the previous games that can be called a true gamer. Or sometimes each game has a different character name.

Before starting the steps, you have to remember, have you changed your name in your Mobile Legends account before? You need to know that you are only given 1 opportunity to change your account name in Mobile Legends.

So if you want to change the name again on the account, you must need a Name Change Card in the Shop or Shop. Precisely in Prep -> Special Tab -> Name Change Card at a price of 299 Diamonds or approximately 100 thousand Rupiah.

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There you can also buy a Squad Name Change Card to change your squad name for 299 Diamonds or approximately 100 thousand Rupiah. And you can buy a National Flag Card that will change the country’s flag in your account for 1000 Diamonds or approximately 270 thousand Rupiah.

Why is it so expensive to buy a National Flag Card? You need to know if you buy a National Flag Card and change the flag in your account then you will also switch servers, therefore the price of the National Flag Card is very expensive.

How to Change the Mobile Legends Account Name

1. Keep in mind that if you have previously changed your account name once, then before going to the next stage you have to buy a Name Change Card in the Store because you are only given 1 opportunity to change your account name in Mobile Legends.

And if you have never replaced before then proceed to the next stage.

2. Go to your account profile

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3. Tap on your account name

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4. Third, write down the name or words that you have thought carefully about changing your account name.

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5. After that OK.

Maybe some of you want to give a name that is not mainstream and want something unique. Because the account name or character name in the game is a reflection of a user.

So there are several categories of players whose characters can be read from their account names. Here are some of those categories.

  • If the account name contains an Alay element = Surely he is an alay child and an average age is an elementary school child and even teenagers (usually teenagers who don’t live in the city)
  • If the account name contains a lot of symbol letters = He is someone who really wants to show that he is cool. And if it’s too much, it can also be said to be Alay.
  • If the account name is normal or even his real name = He is someone who can be said to be calm and slow when he plays.
  • If the account name contains symbol letters and it’s simple, it’s = he has certainly been involved and has long experience as gamers and this person usually plays with his team.

So there are some tips and ways so that you want to give your account a unique and anti-mainstream name so that many other players can remember it because it is different and unique, as follows:

Tips on how to give a unique and anti-mainstream name in Mobile Legends

1. First think of a very unusual but cool name. Also you can use the symbol character for this web: There is a collection of symbols and characters that you can use or pick up.

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2. Combine a name that you have thought of and take a symbol that matches the name that you have prepared by scribbling on your Note Smartphone or it can also be in SMS, the most important thing can be scribbled.

3. After finding the character or symbol that you want to take, then block the symbol or character and then copy it

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4. After that, paste it into your scribbled media earlier.

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5. After the fix or you have finished, strike out, block all and copy.

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6. Go to your account profile

7. Tap on your account name

8. Then write what you copied earlier, just paste it at this step by pressing for 2-3 seconds in the red area below.

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9. The last step is to press OK

Before the Mobile Legends Update game, when you brought up Hero Lancelot, you players could outsmart the naming system in Mobile Legends by being able to color your account name and even enlarge your account name. It even works when a game or game starts.

The image below is pure and not edited. In the past, Mobile Legends was prone to have loopholes that players used. But along with continuous updates, Mobile Legends is able to improve systems that still have gaps.

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Naming character or account names may reflect the character of the user. But not necessarily a good or cool character name affects the way you play or the skills you have.

Because every pro or reliable gamer starts from a noob to continue to hone his skills to get his own style of how to play.

And from that struggle, if you are pro and reliable, your previously ordinary account name will become a big name that people remember and will enter the list of names of reliable pro gamers in a game.

Please also note that there are some rules and conditions when you change your account name, such as:

  • Minimum 4 letters and Maximum 20 letters (including spaces).
  • Must not use letters that are prohibited or unreadable by the system.
  • And maybe in addition to me, don’t use an account name that offends ethnicity, race, or religion. Because this is just a game that utilizes teamwork as well as to entertain. And not to insult each other.

So many explanations and information tips for those of you who want to change the name on your Mobile Legends account. And wait for the next article which is certainly also useful for you readers, so wait and don’t miss reading the next article.

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