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Fortnite Will Present Apex Legends' Respawn Mechanism!?

After the ping system, now the respawn mechanism. Afraid of being rivaled?

A piece of evidence reveals that Fornite will feature a respawn mechanism popularized by their rivals, Apex Legends. A mysterious van begins to appear in Fortnite’s Replay Mode since season 8 has begun. Players cannot drive this van which turns out to be scattered at certain points in the game map. This van looks like the Battle Bus in the game, but there is a large hologram above the van and a logo on the side,

Twitter user named FortTory find a files which seems to be related to this mysterious van, where the file appears under the name “SC_Machine.” SC stands for Second Chance, so the name of the van might be Second Chance Vans.

Other Twitter users with the name Lucas7yoshi also found a files with the name Second Chance Card. This item, which has appeared and used in Save the World mode, has the same logo as the logo on the Secon Chance Vans.

The Fortnite community began to collect and have speculations that Fortnite will add a respawn mechanic like Apex Legends’s to the game. In Apex Legends this mechanism is quite unique because it has never been implemented in an existing battle royale game.

This respawn mechanism works where players who have died will leave a banner or tool that can be taken by team members who are still alive. This tool can later be brought to a tool called Respawn Beacons scattered on the map to revive fallen members. These fallen members will later be able to rejoin other members who are still alive without full weapons.

If Fortnite is really going to implement this mechanism, chances are Second Chance Vans have the same functionality as the Respawn Beacons in Apex Legends. Later players who have fallen will leave a Second Chance Card that can be taken by other members to be revived. After being taken to the van, the fallen members will reappear from the hologram and of course without full weapons.

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