Don't Use Free Fire Diamond Support XYZ
We just discussed about Lucky Spin Free Fire, which keeps popping up to lure players to follow every step they take to promise premium items, this time there is a lot of discussion about Free Fire Diamond Support XYZ which promises to give Diamonds unlimited or without limits, then is it true? ? We will review it for FF friends.
What is Free Fire Diamond Support XYZ?
Gamers need to know that Free Fire Diamond Support XYZ is a website with the address at that promises free Diamonds and coins.
Based on our observations, the website does look very promising, with a pretty attractive appearance and revealing the prizes offered up to 150,000 diamonds and 150,000 coins, who is not interested?
But! Don’t be complacent with the prize, because it might harm your account, not the diamonds that the account gets, it can be hacked or even banned by Garena!
How the Site works ?
Just like most lucky Spin FF websites that offer free item prizes and diamonds, this website also uses the same tricks as the previous website.
We tried the website directly to find out if it really offers diamonds for free, but here we use the ID number ff randomly or carelessly.
Of course from here, we are not sure about the truth of the website, the article is that by entering the FF ID, as long as the website does not detect that it is the wrong ID, the web continues to carry out the ID verification process.
Then we were directed to verify the data, and this step is the same as the diamond fraud website as already.
And sure enough, when we click Verify, the website will redirect to the server page and must also install the applications on that page. Even the download link for the application was sent via a telephone number, so we were required to directly fill in the telephone number in it. Of course very dangerous.
From what we know, the page is a page to earn money from what visitors install, so every time you download an application that is suggested by the website owner, you will get money. What if 100 thousand people install the application, of course the nominal money that the website maker gets is quite a lot, right?
So is Free Fire Diamond Support XYZ Really Proven to Give Diamonds?
Although we did not continue to follow the surfers and install the required applications, we already knew that this was a fake website to earn money by exploiting FF players, especially on bocil. ‘
In addition, from the start, just entering the FF ID as long as the website still processes that the ID is said to be original on Free Fire, even though it doesn’t exist.
Read also: Free Diamonds FF 99999 No APK.
In addition, if you want to play the Free Fire game with the latest features that are still in the Beta stage, you can read the discussion about the Free Fire Advance Server that we have reviewed in full.
The final word
Our advice, don’t be tempted by what is lured to get unlimited diamonds for free, because Free Fire is a very popular game, of course this opportunity is used by irresponsible people.
Of course not, even gamers, if you use it, that gives money from the surveys in it
From what we have tried, and several similar websites, this is a fake website using Free Fire players. So don’t ever try it!
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