Check Laptop Specifications Without Installing Software
If you have ever visited a computer shop or laptop exhibition, surely the laptop units on display have been accompanied by information about the specifications they use. But sometimes the information is incomplete and you want to make sure which components are used. For that you can check the specifications directly from the laptop. Here we will show you an easy way to check laptop specifications without the need to install or install additional applications. Enough with the simple way that we show below.
1. About Your PC
From the Start menu, you just type “About your PC” until the option appears and click or press Enter. Later a window will appear that will display brief information about the hardware owned by the laptop.
2. System Information
If About Your PC only displays specification information briefly, then this System Information displays it in more detail. For that you can type “System Information” from the Start menu and click or press Enter. In addition to displaying the hardware used, you can also summarize the information and save it to a text file. You do this by clicking the File menu and selecting Export.
3. Command Prompt
The Command Prompt (CMD) function can also be used to view laptop specifications. Launch Command Prompt by typing “command prompt” in the Start menu, right-click on the Command Prompt program that appears and select “Run as administrator”. Type the command “systeminfo” (without the quotes) and press Enter. Later, detailed computer specifications will be displayed, such as memory information, bios, system, RAM, computer model, and so on.
4. Windows PowerShell
Similar to Command Prompt, launch Windows PowerShell by typing commands. The difference is that PowerShell is more capable because it can process programming languages. You can type “powershell” from the Start menu. Once it appears, right click and select “Run as administrator”. Next, type the command “Get-ComputerInfo” in the field provided and press Enter.
Editor: Salman “mmonrz”
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