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Apex Legends First Impressions - Latest Battle Royale From Titanfall Developer

Titanfall-style battle royale.

Apex Legends is the latest battle royale game from developer Respawn Entertainment, where they also developed Titanfall. This game, which is still in the Titanfall universe, was just released last February 4 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC via platform Origin owned by EA. For those who don’t know, you can play Apex Legends for free free to play. The latest information we got, the number of Apex Legends players has reached 1 million players in just 8 hours from the time of its release. Then what makes this game managed to get 1 million players in less than 1 day?

GameFever ID itself has played this game for approximately 3 hours of game time. While playing, we think we started to find the answers above, besides this game can be played for free so we can get players so quickly.

Map that became the bloodshed in Apex Legends

Apex Legends is not much different from battle royale games in general, where players and their team become last man standing or be the only team or player that can last to the end. In Apex Legends all players are collected in one map that can accommodate up to 20 teams or about 60 players. Each game will be divided into several rounds where each round the boundary circle gets smaller.

At the beginning of the game the player can also determine the landing location, the same as other battle royale games. But in Apex Legends, each team will be determined who will be Jumpmaster randomly by the system. What’s that Jumpmaster? He is the decider when the team jumps from the plane and determines the landing location. Actually, each player can also determine his own landing location by separating himself from the team.

Jumpmaster determine when and where the landing site
Time to land!

The character system in Apex Legends itself is similar to the game Overwatch or Blackout from Call of Duty Black Ops 4 where each character has their own potential and abilities that are useful in the team. For example, such as the “healer” role where this character has a deeper ability to heal team members. Yes, in this game, each player must be in a team of 3 people. If you are alone or together, there is a feature matchmaking to find the remaining members. Apex Legends hasn’t implemented the feature yet solo or squad as PUBG for example.

Available characters in Apex Legends

Although not much different from the game battle royale In addition, Apex Legends also has features that are different and unique and new to us. For example, players can revive teammates who have died. If we look at the battle royale games we’ve tried, this feature is indeed fairly new and the first time it exists. So if one of your team members dies, you can bring it back to life by bringing your teammates’ “data” and putting it in a tool called Respawn Beacons. Later team members who die get respawn back to join the team.

Respawn Beacon where to “awaken” teammates

Our first impression when playing Apex Legends is actually the same as the game battle royale which we’ve played before, there’s tension to be had and fun to it. The game itself runs fast so you don’t have to wait long to restart the game. Moreover, there is a feature where you can be revived, so players can come back with the team to win the game.

But there is one thing that concerns us, namely the connection problem server. When playing, we often encounter server dropouts. We ourselves are not sure whether the problem breaks up server this is a factor server from EA itself or problems with provider the internet that we use.

Those are our little first impressions for Apex Legends. For those who are curious, you can directlydownloadaccording to the console you have.

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