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Pudge Dota 2's Best Item Build Recommendations

OKEGUYS – For you Pudge hero players in Dota 2, here we want to tell you which build item hurts.

Player Dota 2 who doesn’t know the hero Pudge? One of the haro that became an icon in this MOBA game, many imitated it.

Indeed, Pudge is quite a unique hero, because he has a skill that can attract his enemies from a distance.

Not only that, Pudge also with the primary attribute STR, has a very large health point and is included in the tanker category.

But this time OKEGUYS wants to tell you about Pudge’s build item for the mid laner or carry role for you to increase your MMR.

The Best Item Build Pudge Dota 2 Version OKEGUYS

1. Phase Boots

Best Pudge Item Build
Photo: dotafire

For shoes, use Phase Boots, Pudge’s very small movement speed will be helped by Phase Boots when you activate.

Use it Phase Boots this is when you want to chase and or want to escape from the pursuit of the opponent’s hero.

2. Aether Lens

Best Pudge Item Build
Photo: dotafire

Aether Lens became a very useful item for Pudge. This item will extend the skill range Meat Hook you, so it will be very easy for you to reach enemies who will run away or pass Pudge.

3. Blink Dagger

Dragon Knight Build Items
Photo: dotafire

Blink Dagger is a must-have item for Pudge. With Blink Dagger you can give surprise effect or escape from pursuit easily.

With this, Pudge will be more agile because he will do it more often jump use Blink Dagger.

4. Aghanim’s Scepter

Photo: dotafire

Build items Aghanim’s Scepter because it will make Meat Hook you are long and will reduce the duration cooldown-his.

other than that Aghanim’s Scepter will make the ultimate skill of Pudge very sick and will give a lot of additional STR when you kill the opponent’s hero.

5. Lotus Orb

Photo: dotafire

In addition to attacking items, Pudge also needs defense items to defend against enemy hero attacks such as Lotus Orb.

Lotus Orb will make you thicker and will counter enemy hero skills that will hit you.

6. Heart of Tarrasque

Best Pudge Item Build
Photo: dotafire

Heart of Tarrasque so the last item Pudge needs. This item will make it thicker because it gives +40 STR and a number of health points.

The thicker the blood Pudge has, the harder it will be for the opponent’s hero to kill him.

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That’s the build item recommendation for the OKEGUYS version of the Pudge role carry.

After this you must use this build item in the next match so you can +25 MMR.

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