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Easy Ways to Pay BPJS through BRI ATMs in 2021

There may still be many independent BPJS Health users who are confused about how to pay, so on this occasion we will review how to pay BPJS Health via BRI ATMs, and various other Bank ATMs as well as other ways such as via SMS Banking and Internet Banking. Of course we hope this information can be useful for you.

BPJS Health is mandatory insurance for citizens in Indonesia, of course this is one of our guidelines so that we are not too burdened with expensive medical costs, because with BPJS Health we can get insurance that eases the payment of the treatment burden.

To redeem BPJS through BRI ATMs, you must first have savings at BRI Bank and BPJS Health Number. Because later when you are at the ATM, you have to enter the number to find out how much you have to pay.

Make payments at the ATM machine. You don’t have to carry an identity card (KTP) or SIM even a family card, you just need to remember the BPJS Health number to be input into the ATM machine, later the bill on behalf of the BPJS owner will appear, of course paying the BPJS health bill Through BRI ATMs, it’s very easy, isn’t it?

To provide more detailed information, we review it in full on this page. The information will include a complete explanation and how to easily pay BPJS Health contributions at BRI ATMs. If you are a customer of Bank Rakyat Indonesia, of course this is an article that you must know.

What are the benefits of using BPJS Health?

BPJS Health is a government program which is a Public Legal Entity that is directly accountable to the President who also has the duty to guarantee National Health for all Indonesian people.

In other words, BPJS Health is a social security program in the health sector, which is a form of concern from the Government for the community in order to get better health insurance. Of course, using BPJS Health users will get many benefits that will be felt directly or indirectly. Some of the advantages include:

  • Reduce hospital costs
  • Billing rates are easier than other health insurance
  • The bill payment method is easier to do
  • There are three class options that can be adjusted to the cost you have
  • The payment process is very easy, you can go through the Post Office, Bank, Alfamart, Indomaret, and others
  • Valid for life
  • Cover all types of disease
  • Guaranteed by the government
  • Easier registration process
  • Easy claim process
  • Provide complete facilities

Terms of Paying PBJS Bills Through BRI ATMs

Now is the time for you to know what are the requirements that must be completed to pay BPJS Health bills through BRI Bank ATMs, this you must know to minimize payment failures, of course you have to come back again to complete the conditions. The following are the requirements for payment of BPJS Health bills via BRI ATMs:

  • BPJS health status is active, not blocked and not with maturity status
  • Have sufficient remaining BRI ATM balance
  • Bring BPJS card
  • Knowing the value of BPJS health contributions that you will pay
  • Process transactions at BRI ATMs and not BRI Links

How to Pay BPJS through BRI ATMs

Fortunately, Bank BRI is a state-owned bank which of course has facilitated all forms of payments related to BPJS Health, so the features and services available at Bank BRI can be easily used to pay BPJS bills, you can pay via ATM, SMS Banking, Internet Banking or through the application BRIMO will certainly be much easier and you can make payments from home.

But if you want to pay BPJS Health bills through BRI ATMs, you can follow the steps as we describe below:

  • Find the nearest BRI ATM for you to visit
  • Of course you have to bring a BRI ATM card with sufficient balance to pay BPJS Health contributions
  • Insert the ATM card into the ATM machine
  • Select the language (Indonesian) and enter the PIN (Don’t make 3 mistakes in entering the pin because the ATM card can be blocked)
  • In the menu, select ”Cash Transactions”, or ”Cash Packages”
  • Select ”Other Transactions”
How to Pay BPJS through BRI ATMs
  • Select ”Payment”
How to Pay BPJS through BRI ATMs
  • Then select “Others” and find the BPJS menu, if there is no BPJS Menu continue to choose the “other” menu
How to Pay BPJS through BRI ATMs
  • After finding it Select ”BPJS”.
  • Select ”BPJS Kesehatan”.
How to Pay BPJS through BRI ATMs
  • The next step is to enter the virtual account number, the Virtual account number is the BPJS Health participant number and add several BRI Bank code numbers.
    • Example: If your participant number is 0123456789, then in front of it add the BRI Bank code, namely 8888 so that it becomes 88880123456789. Then you enter the number into the ATM machine input.
  • Then check the name and data suitability or not
  • Then enter the nominal amount you must pay according to your class.
  • The transaction is complete, don’t forget to save the proof of payment in the form of an ATM receipt.

Be careful and don’t lose it then save the payment receipt. It is feared that it will not be entered in the BPJS health system, so you can claim proof by using the payment receipt.

BPJS Payment Admin Fee via BRI ATM

The convenience that is obtained when paying BPJS bills through BRI ATMs is indeed very useful, but you need to remember, you will also be charged an admin fee for the payment. The admin fee that will be charged is Rp. 2,500, this fee applies to all types of BRI accounts in 2021.

This fee is also included in payments for other features such as through Internet banking, sms banking and also through the BRImo Application service.

BPJS 2021 Billing Information

For additional information, BPJS Kesehatan currently has three classes with different billing amounts, and the three also have different facilities. Friends who have not registered for personal health BPJS can choose any class, but we recommend choosing one with the appropriate financial ability because all three are distinguished from the nominal bill each month which is calculated per head on the list of Family Cards.

The value of BPJS health bills in 2021 has also increased, you know. However, the value of the increase was not too high. Details of BPJS health bills in 2021 are as follows:

  • 1st class BPJS billing price IDR 150 thousand per person
  • 2nd class BPJS billing price: IDR 100 thousand per person
  • 3rd class BPJS billing price, IDR 35 thousand per person

Well, that’s a complete review of how to pay BPJS health bills through BRI ATMs properly and correctly. Hopefully the explanation above can help and you don’t need to be confused anymore when you want to process BPJS health contributions. Thank you.

What if there is an error in inputting BPJS number?

If you experience an error in inputting your BPJS number and have already paid it, please save the proof of payment and immediately call BPJS Health customer service or directly visit the nearest BPJS Health branch office.

Pay BPJS Health using any bank?

In addition to using Bank BRI, you can use almost all banks in Indonesia, including BCA, Mandiri, BNI, and other banks.

Pay BPJS Can Autodebit?

The latest news is that BPJS Kesehatan Mandiri was required to pay participant contributions by auto-debit last year.

Where is my BPJS Kesehatan Virtual Account Number?

The BPJS Health Virtual Account number is listed on the BPJS number that you get with a combination of 5 unique numbers from the Bank code when making payments.

How many digits are the BPJS Health virtual account numbers?

The BPJS Health Virtual Account (VA) Number at the Bank starts with Five Bang Numbers and is followed by the last 11 digits of your BPJS Health card number.

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