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Build the Best Vengeful Spirit Support Dota 2 Items

OKEGUYS – Build the best item for the Vengeful Spirit Support role hero in Dota 2, you can support it as well as carry it guys!

Make you a player Dota 2 who likes to play hero support but can also be a carry, Vengeful Spirit or commonly called Venge is suitable for you to play.

Not only situational being able to become a carry, Venge is also the best counter for Enigma when issuing a Black Hole.

Well, now OKEGUYS wants to tell you the best build items that you can use when playing Venge. Come on, let’s just see what items there are guys!

Build Items Vengeful Spirit Dota 2

1. Arcane Boots

Build items Vengeful Spirit Dota 2
photo: dotafire

To early games, Venge will be in dire need of Arcane Boots. Venge who is an AGI hero has very little MP.

Besides that, Venge’s mana consumption would be huge to do harass on the enemy. Arcane Boots will be the solution to the problem.

2. Aether Lens

photo: dotafire

Venge’s cast range is very bad for a hero who has skills that can be used remotely.

Aether Lens will solve the Venge problem. With this item you will find it easier when doing Nether Swap or Magic Missile.

3. Force Staff

photo: dotafire

Then there is the Force Staff which can be another option besides Blink Dagger. But because your role is support, you can use Force Staff to help friends.

4. Aghanim’s Scepter

Build items Vengeful Spirit Dota 2
photo: dotafire

One of the core items that must be owned by a Venge support is Aghanim’s. This item will create a shadow that can use skills when Venge dies.

5. Linken’s Sphere

Build items Vengeful Spirit Dota 2
photo: dotafire

As a support you will also need excellent defense items. Linken’s Sphere could be the best choice for Venge.

This item will block the target of the spell directed at Venge, so he will not be hit by the skill.

6. Desolator

Build items Vengeful Spirit Dota 2
photo: dotafire

The last is Desolator which is actually a situational item. You can make this item when your team needs more attacks to break down enemy defenses.

Read also: Legion Commander Dota 2’s Best Item Build

Well, that’s the best item for the hero Vengeful Spirit Support role in Dota 2. Come on, just try building this item when ranked matches, let you get +25, guys!

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