Build All of Seraphine's Best Roles in LoL Wild Rift Right Now!
Seraphine’s best build support in League of Legends Wild Rift right now!
As one of the most qualified and reliable supports so far, Seraphine is a champion to be reckoned with. However, there are many difficulties when we will choose what build is suitable for this cute champion.
Seraphine, who is able to position himself as a support and mid laner, has three active skills that are useful as support and as a mage in the mid lane. His ultimate skill is also not kidding, he is able to turn things around when the team is a little difficult during a team fight.
Reported from There are two builds for this champion, and here are both.
Build Support Seraphine LoL Wilf Rift
As a champion who always accompanies ADC in dragon lane, he must always be reliable when his friends are about to attack the enemy or when they are going to defend. Which builds are suitable for use when playing as support?

Build items suitable for use by Seraphine as support:
- Ardent Cencer
- Ionian Boots of Lucidity
- Harmonic Echo
- Protector’s Vow
- Athene’s Unholy Grail
- Rabadon’s Deathcap
- Redeeming Enchant (Enchanting Boots)
Runes used by Seraphine as support:
- Summon Aery
- Weakness
- Loyalty
- Manaflow Band
- Flash (Summoner Spell)
- Ignite (Summoner Spell)
Build Mid Lane Seraphine LoL Wild Rift
Apart from being a support, Seraphine is also able to be in the mid lane like a mage in general. This is done when in a team there are two champions of the same type, namely support.
Even though he is in the mid lane, this champion is also quite feared. The following builds are suitable for Seraphine when in the mid lane.

Build items used when Seraphine is in mid lane:
- Luden’s Echo
- Gluttonous Greaves
- Moreellonomicon
- Infinity Orb
- Rabadon’s Deathcap
- Voids Staff
- Stasis Echant (Enchanting Boots)
Runes used by Seraphine in mid lane:
- Electrocute
- Weakness
- Spirit Walker
- Manaflow Band
- Flash (Summoner Spell)
- Ignite (Summoner Spell)
Also Read: Best Blitzcrank LoL Wild Rift Builds 2021!
That’s the build recommendation for one of the support champions, Seraphine. How? Which build do you want to choose? As full support? Or served in the mid lane?
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