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Best Build Items For Mid Laner Sniper Dota 2

OKEGUYS – The best build item recommendations for mid laner role Sniper heroes in Dota 2, guaranteed to make you unbeatable.

Even though it is included in the ranks of the easiest heroes to play, in fact not all players can play Sniper properly and correctly in this game Dota 2.

This ranged hero with the AGI attribute can hit from a very long distance. It’s been a long way, it hurts too much, guys.

If the Sniper is given the correct build item, it will be very deadly and very difficult to kidnap.

Now, OKEGUYS wants to tell you that you build the best item for Sniper heroes with a mid laner role in Dota 2. Let’s just see what items Guys have.

Recommendations for the Best Item Build for Hero Sniper Mid Laner Dota 2

1. Power Treads

Build the Best Sniper Dota 2 Items
Photo: dotafire

For shoe items, Sniper should use Power Treads, even though it doesn’t add damage like Phase Boots.

Power Tread will provide the attributes needed by the Sniper and also attack speed which will be very useful when he is in battle.

2. Shadow Blade

Build the Best Sniper Dota 2 Items
Photo: dotafire

If you are a newbie player, you can make Shadow Blade. Shadow Blade is quite situational, because it can be for you to kidnap and also to escape from battle.

You can upgrade the Shadow Blade to Silver Edge and make it have a healing effect.disable passive skills belonging to the enemy hero when hit while using it.

3. Hurricane Pike

Build the Best Sniper Dota 2 Items
Photo: dotafire

If you feel that the Sniper’s hit distance is not far enough, try making a Hurricane Pike. This item will give you +140 attack range and make the Sniper hit even further.

You can also use Hurricane Pike to escape when you activate it.

4. Deadalus

Photo: dotafire

Sniper will need a critical hit to make the enemy hero more scared, and to get it you can make Deadalus.

Deadalus will deal decent damage and a critical hit of 225% of the damage you have.

5. Monkey King Bar

Photo: dotafire

You will still need damage and attack speed, so make a Monkey King Bar. Monkey King Bar will also make you avoid miss attacks.

6. Black King Bar

Build the Best Sniper Dota 2 Items
Photo: dotafire

In addition to attacks, Sniper also needs defense because he has very little HP and very bad armor.

Therefore you have to make a Black King Bar so that Sniper avoids disabling spells such as stun, hex, and silence.

Read also: 5 Most Easy Dota 2 Heroes to Play

Well, that’s it Guys build the best item for Sniper mid laner that you can try while playing Dota 2. Come on, after you read this article you can try it right away and increase your rank tonight.

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