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4 Ways to Know Windows Version 64 Bit or 32 Bit (Full+Picture)

Talking about the bit version, it refers to terms related to data units. This data unit is used to calculate the number of data types that can be handled by the computer processor.

Just as when we want to install a program in the Windows operating system (OS), we are often confused by choosing a version between 32-bit or 64-bit. Even though it sounds normal, you need to know that to choose a program it must be adjusted to the type of processor that is owned by the operating system.

In fact, 64-bit processors are capable of running 32-bit versions of Windows. And conversely, 32-bit types are not capable of running programs that have a 64-bit architecture. However, the problem here is that users often do not know the version of the processor used in the operating system they use on computer devices. In fact, by knowing the bit version you can install the appropriate program so that the resulting performance becomes more optimal.

Don’t worry, because on this occasion I will explain to you how to find out which version of windows is installed on your laptop/PC. Go straight to the following explanation.

How to Know Windows 64 Bit or 32 Bit

Well, for those of you who are still confused or don’t understand how to find out which version of Windows is installed on your laptop / PC, here are 4 ways that I will explain in this article.

The First Way: Knowing the Windows Version Through System Properties

You can do this first by following the steps below.

1. Please open Windows Explorer on your laptop/PC. Or more simply, press the button Windows + E on your keyboard.

2. Right click on This PC, then select Properties.

How to Find Windows 64 Bit or 32 Bit Version

3. Then a window will appear regarding system information, where you can also find out the type of Windows operating system used in the System type section.

System and Security

For those of you who use Windows 10, there is also another way to find out which version of Windows you are using.

1. Right-click on the Start Menu, select System.

Right Click Start, System - How To Find Out 64 Bit or 32 Bit Windows Version

2. Section System > choose About, you can find out the bit version used.

About System

There is also the fastest way for those of you who want to know the bit version in Windows by pressing the button Windows + Pause Break on your keyboard.

Second Way: Knowing Windows Version Through Dxdiag Tools

Dxdiag is used to view the specifications of the components installed on your laptop / PC, such as seeing the amount of RAM, type of laptop, CPU, VGA and others. That way, you can also find out the bit version and follow the steps below.

1. Press the button Windows +R on your keyboard to run the RUN function.

2. Type “dxdiag” in the following search field. Then, press Enter.

How to Find Windows 64 Bit or 32 Bit Version

3. Then the “Direct Diagnostic Tool” window will appear. In that window, you can see information about the specifications of the system.

DirectX Diagnostic Tool

The third way: Knowing the Windows version through the Command Prompt

In this third way, we will use the command prompt to run a certain command

1. Open Command Prompt on your laptop/PC.

2. Type the command “echo %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%”, then Enter.

Processor architecture

The Fourth Way: Knowing the Windows Version Through MSINFO32

The latter is almost the same as the second method, which is to use the RUN function to run the “msinfo” command. Here are the steps.

1. Execute the RUN function on your computer by pressing the button Windows + R.

2. Type the command “msinfo32” in the search field.

msinfo32 command

3. Then the System Information window will open. This is where you can see what type of operating system you are using.

How to Know Windows 64 Bit or 32 Bit Version

Those are 4 ways you can do to see which version of Windows you are using. Easy, right? You can practice the methods above directly to better understand it. So, you can install programs that match the version on your operating system so that they run properly.

Hopefully the article above is useful for you and continue to visit Nesabamedia to see other interesting information.

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