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How to Recover Mobile Legends Credit Score 2021

How to Recover Mobile Legends Credit Score

How to Recover Mobile Legends Credit Score – The term credit score in this Mobile Legends game is a term used for points or values ​​owned by each ML game player.

This point credit score is an indicator of how good or bad someone’s game is in playing the Mobile Legends game.

Each player has a different credit score point and players who have just played the Mobile Legends game will get 100 points which will change up or down according to how they play.

If you want to play ranked mode in this game, then you must have a credit score of at least 90 points.

If your credit score is less than 90 points, then you cannot play Ranked Mode.

However, you can still recover or increase your credit score in several ways, which we will discuss in this article about how to recover a Mobile Legends credit score.

How to Recover Mobile Legends Credit Score

1. How to Recover Mobile Legends Credit Score by Playing in Brawl Mode

How to Recover Mobile Legends Credit Score
How to Recover Mobile Legends Credit Score by Playing in Brawl Mode

The first recommendation on how to recover a Mobile Legends credit score is to play Brawl Mode.

You can do this method to recover your lost credit score points because you have done AFK when playing the Mobile Legends game.

Playing brawl mode is a very easy way to do it, because playing brawl mode doesn’t take long.

The more games you complete, the faster your credit score points will increase.

Because every time you complete a game you will get one credit score point.

Therefore, playing brawl mode is the right choice to recover Credit Score Points.

2. How to Recover Mobile Legends Credit Score by Giving Gifts to Your Friends

How to Recover Mobile Legends Credit Score
How to Recover Mobile Legends Credit Score by Giving Gifts to Your Friends

Giving gifts to your friends is one way to recover a Mobile Legends credit score that is quite powerful.

Giving gifts or gifts to friends, whether in the form of heroes or skins, can indeed restore your credit score, but this method is a fairly expensive method.

Because to give a gift in the form of a hero or skin to a friend, then you will pay a hefty fee to buy the hero or skin.

Maybe for those of you who have a better economy, you can do this method to recover your credit score very quickly.

3. How to Recover Mobile Legends Credit Score by Not Doing AFK

How to Recover Mobile Legends Credit Score
How to Recover Mobile Legends Credit Score by Not Doing AFK

How to recover a Mobile Legends credit score is the last way you can keep your credit score from going down again.

The way you need to do is by not doing AFK behavior again.

As much as possible you should be able to avoid AFK behavior, because this is one of the best ways to keep your credit score high.

You have to find the right time when you want to play the Mobile Legend game so that distractions that can cause you to AFK can be avoided.

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Before starting the game, you must also check the condition of the internet connection you are using so that there are no connection problems or possible loss of internet connection.

Because if this kind of thing happens, it can cause your DC and then lose your credit score.

The final word

Thus the information we can share with you about several ways to recover credit scores in the Mobile Legends game.

You can try some of these ways to recover your reduced credit score due to AFK while playing the Mobile Legends game.

If you find this information very useful, you can share it with your friends and relatives about how to recover a credit score in Mobile Legends.

That’s all our discussion in this article about how to recover Mobile Legends credit score 2021. Hopefully useful and good luck.

Dody S.

Someone who likes to learn and share everything about technology.

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