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How to Make a Bot in WA for an Easy Business

Since the beginning of the presence of chatbots, businesses have proven to run more effectively. And the emergence of bots in WA Bisnis, makes it easier for MSME actors of various sizes to have direct contact with customers. For that, it’s important you know how to make a bot in WA business.

WhatsApp is an important tool for business people. Whether it’s a business with self-made products, or you who are working on it retail.

Through WhatsApp, it is easier and faster for businesses and consumers to connect. Especially if you also have a website and social media accounts. Of course it will be easier to get or attract new customers.

As businesses and products grow, the number of customers increases. So, over time, you will feel overwhelmed to answer questions from customers. Neither questions about availability, nor any other information.

Don’t worry, you can still use WhatsApp. Through the WhatsApp Business application, you can create chat bots. And using this bot, you can more easily reply to hundreds to thousands of customer questions.

Interested in trying? Or, you don’t even know what a WA chat bot is? Don’t worry, okay? Team Droila have collected various information about the WA chatbot that is for you. Starting from understanding, functions, to how to make bots in WA business.

Just check the description below, okay?

How to make a Bot in WA business (Inbenta)

What is a WA Chatbot?

How can you optimize the functionality of a feature if you don’t know what it is and how it works. Therefore, before we discuss how to create a chatbot on Whatsapp, first understand the functions and workings of this Whatsapp Business feature.

Citing the official WhatsApp blog, the WA chatbot is a software program that can be used specifically for WA Business only. The function of the WA bot is to facilitate communication between business people and consumers.

Through chatbots, you can provide various information that can make it easier for customers to access products or businesses. It can be in the form of answers to obstacles that are often faced by users, product stock availability, to just brief information on the product choices offered.

That way, the WA chatbot makes it easier for business people and consumers to connect directly. Not only that, you can also save consumers time and work in answering all the questions asked.

Why is WhatsApp Business Bot Important for Your Business?

As mentioned above, there are several advantages that businesses will get when using chatbots. If you want to understand more, see the explanation below.

First, WhatsApp bots will save you time. Especially for customers who want to get information, WhatsApp bots can be a solution to provide a brief explanation to potential buyers.

Second, customers will get better satisfaction. You see, WA bots can work 24 hours non-stop. So, whenever a customer sends a question, it will be answered by the bot as soon as it is activated.

Third, the funds required are not large. Compared to using customer service to provide short answers, bots are proven to save companies expenses. In fact, the profit margin is quite large!

Lastly, WhatsApp bots minimize human-caused errors. Or human error. You see, business WA bots can be customized based on function and purpose. For example, to answer customer difficulties, educate users, and many others.

How to Create a Bot on WhatsApp Business

Now that you know what and why WA bots are important for your business, it’s time to learn how to create bots in WA business. Don’t worry, you don’t need knowledge of programming or coding to make bots in WA, really.

All it takes is time, patience, a business WA account, and the right and easy-to-understand tutorial. And below, team Droila have prepared the easiest step by step so that you can create your own business WA bot.

Curious? Direct scrolling and see the explanation below, yes.

Business WhatsApp bots (Soft Web Solutions)

Register WhatsApp Business API

Before you can create a WA bot, you must first register for the WhatsApp Business API. FYI, API stands for Application Program Interface. Through the WA API, you can make your WhatsApp account more efficient.

And before registering for the API, you need to register an account with the verification program first. There are several things that an account must have in order to pass the verification program. Such as business licenses, deed of establishment, tax certificates, bank account statements, and much more.

More fully, you can read the documents shared on this Facebook page.

Once the verification application has been approved by Facebook, then you are ready to use the WhatsApp API.

Plan Conversation

Basically, a WA bot is a program that will automatically answer all customer questions. However, because this is a program, you also need to design the form of the conversation that will take place.

In designing questions, there are several things you need to consider. Such as the purpose of the chatbot, the type of conversation, and the response chatbot when faced with unanswered questions.

Simple, right?

Submit Conversation Plan

Finally, you need to send the conversation draft that has been created. Once the design is approved, then you can immediately use it in your account to answer all user needs.

Well, those are some easy ways to make bots in WA business. By carrying out the steps above, it is guaranteed that users will be more happy and comfortable to ask questions.

As a result, the company’s turnover will certainly increase. Do not believe? Just try it, okay?

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