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EVOS.AOV Succeeded in Drowning GGWP.ID's Dream in ASL Season 1 Grand Final

EVOS.AOV’s victory was not easy. They must once again face the opponent who once defeated them 2-0 during AOV Star League Season 1 (ASL), namely GGWP.ID.

The final ASL Season 1 party itself has a quite unique story, especially for GGWP.ID. Initially they were a team that was always in 5th and 6th position in the standings and was predicted not to be able to enter the ASL Playoffs.

However, since the entry of Susugajah, which they recruited from Saudara Esports, they were able to break that prediction. Not only able to pass to playoffs, they were also able to advance to the final of ASL after defeating Brother Esports with a score of 2-0 and Bigetron Esports also with a score of 2-0.

On the previous day, we also saw that three new teams will enter ASL Season 2. They are DG Esports and RRQ NOVA as well as the new challenger who won the 2021 ANC, namely the Brothers Esports Voc-Ikamil1 (SES Voc-Ikamil1) team.

GGWP.ID vs Esports Brothers

Moment games During the first time, GGWP.ID managed to secure Teemee, Xeniel, and Lindis. The three heroes managed to destroy the formation that had been prepared by the Brothers Esports team.

Teemee and Xeniel actually shouldn’t be in the same team considering that this trio is known to be very strong. Teemee can revive his opponent when he dies by using ultimate Being a Bro and Xeniel are able to heal their friends and come when they are needed by using ultimate Angelic Splendor.

With the composition of the two heroes, GGWP.ID can play 4 vs 5, where Xeniel will do split push and Teemee will protect Lindis. But if Lindis was really in danger, Xeniel would immediately teleport from wherever he is and help Teemee to protect Lindis.

On games second time draft pick underway, Brother Esports did tire against Teemee after seeing this hero’s performance in games first. However, what is very unfortunate is that Brother Esports chose Chaugnar as the Observer.

Chaugnar does have skills anti-crowd control from his passive skill that is Faithful Herald and from skill ultimateits Chaos Protection. But he wasn’t very useful in stopping Lindis.

With draft pick which was bad enough during the second game, the Brothers Esports team finally had to give up finish in fourth place.

GGWP.ID vs Bigetron Esports

GGWP.ID’s winning momentum is still very good, because they just won over Brother Esports. We can see this when GGWP.ID host Bigetron Esports in the next match. With a gap of only 20 minutes, they were still able to beat Bigetron Esports quite quickly, which was 12 minutes and only gave two kill in the first game.

When the second game took place, even though it was a little behind, GGWP.ID persisted with gameplaythem and don’t let their mentality fall. They started trying to do gank to every hero of the Bigetron Esports team that appears on minimap to improve net worth left behind while doing farm little by little.

Thanks to that patience, the GGWP.ID team managed to cut net worth left behind and started doing push five. Finally they managed to beat up Bigetron Esports’ defense that was equipped with heroes burst damage like Teemee and Xeniel. Bigetron Esports must be willing to lose at the hands of GGWP.ID.

GGWP.ID vs EVOS Esports

By applying a very fast game, GGWP.ID managed to advance to the final. However, when the first game of the final took place, they played not as well as when they faced Brother Esports and Bigetron Esports.

Their gameplay is back like GGWP.ID like before week the fifth is going on, where they know what to do but they keep making mistakes. But before EVOS.AOV ended the match. Finally they managed to restore the previous GGWP.ID mentality and managed to win comeback over EVOS.AOV.

But victory comeback it had to be paid off because EVOS.AOV still didn’t show their mentality to drop in the game and instead started to massacre the GGWP.ID team. Whereas initially GGWP.ID managed to suppress EVOS.AOV all-out in the early minutes of the second game. The massacre actually had a negative impact on GGWP.ID’s performance, they even had to swallow defeat without being able to destroy tower in the second game.

This mental collapse forced GGWP.ID to find a solution on how to gain momentum in the previous game. But again with the victory in the second game, EVOS.AOV did not give GGWP.ID a breath. They keep hugging invade to jungle GGWP.ID and don’t give Susugajah farming though.

In the last game, mental defeat and the reading of GGWP.ID’s strategy made EVOS.AOV continue to advance and emerge as the winner. GGWP.ID must give up the title of champion that is in front of their eyes by becoming a runner-up in the Grand Final of ASL Season 1 and EVOS. AOV managed to secure the first place position as well as represent Indonesia to play in the AOV World Cup 2021 next July.

Meanwhile in the ASL match on the previous day, playoffs three teams have been determined to enter ASL Season 2. Completing lineup which has been filled by Brother Esports, Bigetron Esports, GGWP.ID and EVOS.AOV. The three teams are DG Esports, RRQ.NOVA and the newest challenger in ASL, SES Voc Ikamil1.

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