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7 Ways to Use Super Complete Indosat Super WiFi

Super Wifi Indosat is a service that provides fast internet access for Indosat card users through a Wifi network that has spread in various places such as malls, parks, restaurants to cafes.

More interestingly, the speed of this Indosat Super Wifi reaches up to 20 Mbps. To be able to enjoy this service you have to buy various packages available.

You can also get it for free if you buy certain internet package options that have been offered by Indosat. To connect, you only need to enter your username and password because this service will be connected directly if you use an Indosat card.

But the EAP-SIM technology that it uses sometimes cannot be activated directly. Therefore, you need some settings that require you to do so that you can automatically connect directly to the Indosat Super Wifi network.

7 Ways to Use Indosat Super WiFi

Here are ways to use Indosat Super Wifi on various devices:

1. Using Indosat Super Wifi on IOS

How to Use Indosat Super WiFi

Image :

To be able to enjoy Super Wifi Indosat you have to download and install the EAP-SIM profile first. After that you can follow the steps below:

  • First you have to enter the menu Settings, then select Wifi ON and then select hotspot SuperWifi-WEB.
  • If you have, then you have to press the button Home.
  • Since you are using it on an iPhone, then you have to select the Safari browser and wait for the login page to appear completely.
  • When a pop-up window appears showing Cannot Verify Server Identity, then you have to click Continue.
  • After that you click the hyperlink EAP-SIM Profile Iphone & Ipad then click Install and will appear Unsigned Profile window. And click Wifi, select hotspot SuperWifi-SIM.
  • If you have then you go to the Safari browser and you can test it by browsing there.

If you are successful while browsing then you have enjoyed internet access via Indosat Ooredoo SuperWifi.

2. Using Indosat Super Wifi on Blackberry


Image : PCMag

To be able to use Indosat super wifi on blackberry you must get a username and password by sending an SMS in the form of SUPERWIFI and sending it to 363.

  • If you have downloaded it then you can do the steps below.
  • First you choose Manage Connections.
  • Then activate Wifi by clicking about Wifi Options.
  • Then hover over Wifi Network.
  • After that you can do Scan for Networks.
  • And choose SuperWifi-SIM and click.
  • On the menu Enterprise Sub-Type you have to choose EAP-SIM.
  • Then you can choose Connect.
  • Then the authentication process will run and you can choose Finish.

And look at the results, you can enjoy internet access through Indosat Ooredoo Super Wifi.

3. Using Indosat Super Wifi on Android

How to Use Indosat Super WiFi

Image : Tokeknologi

Here are the steps to enjoy super wifi indosat on Android:

  • First you have to enter the menu Settings.
  • And in the settings menu you can select the menu Wireless and Network Settings then click Wifi Settings.
  • After that choose Wifi and select hotspot SuperWIFI-SIM.
  • Then on the menu EAP method you change from PEAP Becomes SIM (EAP-SIM ) then you can click on it.
  • When a pop up appears with the reading Cannot Verify Server Identity, then you have to click Continue.
  • If you have then you have to wait a while until the status Wifi network SuperWifi-SIM connected.

And congratulations on enjoying internet access using Indosat Ooredoo SuperWifi.

But specifically for users who use the USIM card type, you have to select AKA (EAP-AKA) and click Connect. Or you can select EAP-TTLS and enter your username and password then click Connect.

4. Using Indosat Super Wifi on Windows Phone

windows phone

Image : Cnet

The steps to use Super Wifi Indosat via Windows Phone are:

  • First you have to type an SMS in the form of SUPERWIFI and send to 363 to get username and password.
  • After that you have to choose the menu Settings then click menu Wifi.
  • Then you have to activate WiFi (Wifi ON).
  • Then you have to choose a hotspot SuperWifi-SIM.
  • And on the menu Sign in you have to fill Username and Password.
  • Then click Done.
  • Then you look at SuperWifi-SIM hotspot is it status? Connected or not yet.
  • If so, you can check it by browsing.

If you are successful in browsing then congratulations you have enjoyed the internet through Indosat Ooredoo SuperWIFI.

5. Using Indosat Super Wifi on Symbian


Image : appleinsider

The steps to use Super Wifi Indosat through the Symbian operating system are:

  • If you have downloaded it then the following steps you can do, namely.
  • First click menu Settings.
  • Then go to Connectivity and select WLAN.
  • If you can choose a hotspot SuperWifi-SIM and wait until the status changes to connected.
  • To check it you can try a browser using a browser.

If you are successful in browsing then congratulations you have enjoyed internet access via Indosat Ooredoo Super Wifi.

6. Using Other Operating Systems

How to Use Indosat Super WiFi

Image : cell phone seconds

As usual you have to get a username and password by sending an SMS in the form of SUPERWIFI and sending it to 363 to be able to access the Indosat Ooredoo SuperWifi network.

  • Then you enter the menu Settings then choose Wireless and Network Settings.
  • Then click WIFI Settings.
  • Then you can activate WIFI by selecting hotspot SuperWifi-SIM.
  • Then you have to fill in the settings in the form of EAP method you can fill it with TTLS, Identity you can fill it with the username you got at the beginning, and Password you can fill it with password which you also get at the beginning.
  • Then click Connect.
  • Finally you can wait a while until Wifi network status SuperWifi-SIM transformed into Connected.

If you are successful in browsing then congratulations you have enjoyed internet access via Indosat Ooredoo Super Wifi.

7. Using a Laptop


Image : HP Store

You can access the internet through Indosat Ooredoo SuperWifi using laptops, netbooks, notebooks, PSPs to other gadgets that already have Wifi facilities without the need to use a SIM card. But you must have a SuperWifi username and password first.

  • First you can enter the menu Settings, then you can choose Wireless and Network Settings then click Wifi Settings.
  • Then you can activate WIFI and choose a hotspot SUPERwifi-WEB.
  • Then you can try browsing, a page will appear that requires you to fill in Username and password. To username you can fill it with msisdn.
  • And wait a while until the status changes to connected.

If you are successful in browsing then congratulations you have enjoyed internet access via Indosat Ooredoo Super Wifi.

Those are some easy ways to use Indosat Super WIFI. You can use the seven methods above and comment successfully if you can use them.

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