5 Tips to Increase Solo MMR in the Dota 2 Game
In a previous article, we discussed that although not absolute, Solo MMR is an indication of your ability to play Dota 2 with strangers. In other words, if you have a high Solo MMR, then you are a good player, at least in depth solo queue.
Then, to be able to raise this Solo MMR, you must be able to beat the opposing team along with your teammates. Winning will increase Solo MMR, while losing will bring it down.
Well, in this article, we will discuss some tips to increase Solo MMR, or in other words, to win the game in Indonesia solo queue.
Under ideal conditions, the system matchmaking in Dota 2 always pits you against nine other players with skills the same, or means the same Solo MMR. Each player may have their own advantages and disadvantages. But overall, you guys are relatively level skills same. The goal, of course, is that the games you play are balanced or impartial.
Suppose you get a match where the 10 players in it have Solo MMR very close together, namely 3,001, 3,002, 3,003, and so on until 3,010. In this context, if the distribution of players is fair, then each team has the same chance of winning, which is 50:50, because all players have skills the same one.
Your job and your four teammates is how to make this winning chance turn into 60:40 or greater, with your team being the winner.
The trick is to play better than usual. This means that even if you have Solo MMR 3,000, play like a player with Solo MMR 3,200. This makes distribution skills Players who were initially fair become one-sided, benefiting your team. That means, the initial 50:50 chance of winning also finally changes.
The question is, how to play better in one game?
1. Use Heroes and/or Roles You Often Play
You may often see players who have hero heroes, or who, when playing Solo MMR, prefer to play the same position. In fact you yourself may be one of the players who did this.
Playing with familiar heroes or roles will make you more comfortable playing. You already know and can execute some of the hero’s tricks and mechanics, even by heart. That way, you have time and space to correct your shortcomings or help your team. In short, you will be able to play better.
For example, even though you originally had Solo MMR 3,000, by using a mainstay hero, you might be able to play like a player with Solo MMR 3,400. Then after several times playing with the hero continuously, you really reach Solo MMR 3,400.
However, when you reach that point, this trick may no longer be effective. Since you’ve reached Solo MMR 3,400, your opponent may already know how to win your hero and/or style of play. Finally all players are equal again, and your team’s chance of winning returns to 50:50.
2. Be a Positive Player
When playing Dota 2 in serious contexts such as Solo MMR, mental conditions and mindset when playing is also one of the factors that determine player performance. When playing with mood good and positive, your game will also get better.
On the other hand, if you play with mood negative things like anger, your game can also get worse without you even realizing it. For example, because you are annoyed with carry incompetent team, you end up feeling reluctant to help him. Though, you are a hero support who should take care carry well.
Try to be a positive and always helpful player. Don’t keep complaining about what happened. Instead, focus on your game, and if your teammate makes a mistake, what can you do to cover it up.
When your opponent plays badly, your team’s initial 50:50 chance of winning is definitely down, and your job is to at least return it back to 50:50. For example, if your teammates are at mid lose to mid opponent, try doing a rotation or gank to mid to balance lane the.
Even if from the start the game condition is 50:50, you can change it by helping your team. Simple things like making stack big to carry your team will really help the player carry to contribute better, which means playing better.
Having a positive mentality is also not only limited to actions. What you say to your teammates and how you say it can also have an effect. If your teammate looks confused and doesn’t know what to do at the moment, give them clear advice or direction without making fun of them. When your team is short vision and your team have Observer Ward stock, ask support team to install it. If it turns out support your team has absolutely no Gold, there’s no harm in buying it.
Indeed, in Southeast Asia, communicating with foreigners may be difficult due to language differences. But try to use whatever you have. If you can’t do it by voice, type in language that is easy to understand. If not, ping just once.
The point is, while you who have Solo MMR 3,000 try to play like a Solo MMR 3,400 player, you can also help your teammates do the same, playing better than the Solo MMR he was at that time.
3. Damage the Opponent’s Game Condition
You will do your best to make your teammates play better according to your role in the game. On the other hand, for your opponent, you are trying to make them play less than optimally under their Solo MMR at that time.
The way is not with negative things like flaming or other provocation. Simple things like doing zoning very strict on offlane opponent can be an effective means, especially if offlaner the opponent is not used to receiving zoning from the opponent.
Putting an opponent into a situation he’s never been in before will leave him at a loss as to what to do. This will then make him play less than optimal, which means playing does not match the Solo MMR he has at the time. From just ruining the game of one opponent, you can increase your team’s chances of winning.
4. Play in optimal conditions and know when to stop
Physical condition and also mood will greatly affect your mind and performance when playing. So, when you want to play seriously, make sure you play in optimal conditions. Otherwise, those of you who are in Solo MMR 3,000 may even play like a Solo MMR 2,700 player, or lower. If that’s the case, your team must be able to cover up your mistakes if you don’t want to lose.
Get to know your own body and mind well. When do you feel your condition is starting to not optimal and you should stop? If after two defeats in a row you’re feeling frustrated and unsettled, it might be a good idea to take a break from other activities or play a more relaxing game.
This applies not only when you lose. If after winning many times you feel that your body and mind need to move from Dota 2, stop playing for a moment. Do something else and come back after a few hours or even tomorrow. After feeling refreshed, get back to playing.
Lastly, and most importantly advice, improve your overall playability. If at first you were able to go up from Solo MMR 3,000 to 3,400 just because you played the same hero with the same playing style, try developing a new play style. Otherwise, you will end up going nowhere.
Whenever I am asked the question “how to increase MMR”, my first answer will always start with “learn”. But like it or not, this is the most effective way in the long run.
By increasing your understanding of internal mechanics Dota 2, the interaction between each hero, armor, damage, and everything else that makes this game so complicated, you should have no problem playing Solo MMR. After all, all the tips I mentioned above also require knowledge and playing skills. So instead of just knowing a trick or two, there’s nothing wrong with mastering as many as you can.
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