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Tips and Tricks to Play MARVEL Strike Force

MARVEL Strike Force is an RPG game made by FoxNext Games. In this game you can recruit your favorite superhero or supervillain. This game tells the story of superheroes and supervillains who unite to save the earth from alien attacks.

There are many things you can do in this game, especially if you level up, you will unlock new things in the game. Well, this time Sukaon will discuss what things you can do in this game and tell you what to pay attention to when playing this game. Here are tips and tricks for playing MARVEL Strike Force.

Focus on daily missions

Completing daily missions can give you rewards in the form of gold, training modules, orbs, campaign energy, shards and increase xp. So, if you want to quickly level up and get extra resources, focus on the daily missions.

Unlock new characters

Unlocking new characters can be done using shards. You must collect the required number of shards, for example the Hulk character needs 180 Shards to be recruited, then you must be able to collect 180 shards in order to get this character.

Getting shards is not as easy as imagined. To collect shards, you have many options, such as completing missions in Campaign Mode, Daily Objectives, Achievements, Events, and so on. You can also use orbs which can give you shards.

You can also use shards to upgrade characters that are already unlocked or already owned. The higher your character’s star, the stronger your character, so in addition to unlocking characters, shards are also important for character upgrades.

Always level up the character at every opportunity

Raising the level of the character is one of the important things for you to do. By leveling up your character, you will have a strong and invincible army. Therefore, try to maximize their skills.

In addition to using the training module to improve skills, you can also use the gear you get when completing missions. Use these gears in empty slots and they will increase your character’s skills.

If the mission is getting too difficult, then you better focus on finding gear for your troops. Just simply tap the “Find” button and complete the mission over and over again. You can finish it quickly without having to bother by selecting “auto win” and after that you just collect all the rewards you get.

Complete Challenges

In addition to daily missions, completing Challenges can also give you additional resources. You can choose a mission with rewards what you want, for example the mission in Gold Rush, then when you can complete the mission, you will get gold.

How to quickly level up

To speed up leveling up, you select “Roster” on the left of the screen, then select a character and there is a “Find” button, then tap the “Find” button in an empty slot (useful for searching for gear) and after that you can see the available missions. , select any mission you want, then tap the “Auto Win” button, after that you will get rewards including adding xp.

Always do this on multiple occasions and without you even realizing it, you’ve leveled up so fast.

Tips to win the fight

To defeat the enemy is very easy at the beginning, but the longer you will find difficulties. For that, there are several things you should know and pay attention to in order to continue to win the battle. Here are tips to win the battle and get three stars:

  • Get to know your hero character and the skills they have. This is very important, because it can allow you to plan moves and strategies to defeat your opponent.
  • Know your enemy. This may seem difficult, but it is very important for you to be able to plan better moves and strategies during the fight.
  • Take out enemies one by one, unless there is a special mission that requires you to focus on something else. You may want to directly attack all the enemies in front of you, but it’s better to attack them one by one. Reducing one enemy, it means you reduce a little damage received by your troops. So focus on one target and after you beat it, then focus on other targets.
  • Sometimes you will find enemies with stealth mode. You may not be able to attack them directly, but you they can still attack them. Use attacks that can hit multiple enemies, like the grenade launcher that the Punisher has.

Form a solid team

Maybe you will form a team with your favorite characters, the most popular or just choose randomly. However, this might throw your team off balance. It’s better for you to form a team with characters that have their respective advantages.

In a team, there is at least one character with a protector type (a character that can taunt and reduce damage), a healer type (a character that can heal) and you can have two healer characters in the team, but it depends on the battle you are facing.

However, if you keep losing, you can try different characters, and see if they make a positive impact or not.

Those are the tips and tricks to play MARVEL Strike Force. If you have any other tips and tricks to share, leave your comments below.

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