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Get Creative with Fire, Tips and Tricks Playing Phoenix in Valorant

Compared to Jett, playing Phoenix is ​​probably much friendlier in Valorant. Even though they both act as cover boy nor cover girl of this game, Jett is not a character that is highly recommended for beginners. And we have explained that in the previous tips and tricks article.

But when specifically discussing Phoenix, he is actually classified as a character with very solid and balanced skill selection options. Even though it is a character with moderate usage (not difficult or easy), Phoenix can still be an interesting foundation form in your efforts to increase your flying hours in Valorant.

With his “fire” skills, he has an offensive side that is really quite effective when used in combat. Even in defensive moments, Phoenix can still play a crucial role for the team.

So if you are still confused about what we mean, here is an explanation of the skills along with detailed tips and tricks that you need to know in playing Phoenix in Valorant.

Curve Balls (100 Credits)

Including skills that seem to be the most favored by most phoenix players. Because the function itself is similar to a flashbang that can blind the enemy’s view as well as your view plus your own for a few seconds if not used carefully.

Interestingly, this 2 stack skill has a fairly unique mechanism. Namely, its use is done by throwing the flashbang ball 90 degrees to the left and right through the presence of 2 click buttons in your mouse. Then every player who is affected by this skill also always has a visible “light” effect on their heads

Tips and tricks:

  • It is very effective to use when you are ready to confront the enemy. But still must consider the right moment to use it. Especially in ensuring that their position (the enemy) is still there.
  • To be more efficient, in the moment when you want to throw near the end of a wall or spot, you can immediately get used to it as quickly as possible to direct your gaze in that direction but by attaching yourself to a wall or a cover object (hugging) so as not to be blinded. So from there, you have a faster time advantage in ambushing the enemy when it comes out of cover (if it hits).
  • As another alternative method, you can also throw a flash skill to the area opposite the spot when you are about to head straight and make it much safer to avoid the blind effect.
  • Don’t get too hung up on throwing it horizontally or horizontally. You can act creatively by throwing this skill vertically upwards if you encounter interesting elevation spots.
  • Make it a habit to always pay attention to the position of your teammates before you want to use them

Blaze (200 Credits)

With this skill, Phoenix can create a kind of elongated fire-shaped wall to block the view and deal damage to anyone who approaches, except for the user himself who actually gets the effect. heal.

Tips and tricks:

  • It was a skill that couldn’t be ruled out at all. Because when in an attacking or pushing (Attacker) position, you can avoid the threat of snipe kill enemies who are aiming at certain angles in the field (especially in bomb spots).
  • Even in a defensive scenario, the blaze skill is also very important to use in restraining the enemy’s aggressiveness at critical moments by blocking the direction of the road.
  • You can make the use of the mechanism turn by holding down the skill button while directing your cursor in the direction you want.
  • You can make this fire wall creation skill penetrate into various objects in the map. But to do so, you must aim the skill above the sky outside the object or don’t aim it directly at the object so as not to make it hit (fail to penetrate).

Hot Hands (always filled every time you get 2 kills in a match)

The signature skill of the phoenix that acts like a Molotov cocktail. Back can do damage to kill when it hits the enemy, as well as heal yourself.

Tips and tricks:

  • Although it is safer to use as a heal skill for the phoenix, it would be nice if this skill was still more focused on attacking. Because the damage it produces is quite high and can contribute to providing kills at the right moments.
  • This skill still has a damage effect on teammates. So, don’t be careless in using it
  • Similar to a grenade, it can be bounced off the wall in certain directions.

Run it Back (Ultimate skill)

Valorant Phoenix Run it Back

As if ready to carry a second life, Phoenix gave off a special kind of aura through this ultimate skill. Within a certain period of time (10 seconds), you can directly fight against the enemy more effortlessly. Because when suddenly you are killed or the duration ends, you will immediately return to the starting place from the first time you issued the skill.

Basically, this skill really explains the essence of the real “Phoenix” agent character name.

Tips and tricks:

  • Although it looks interesting, the moment of using the Run it Back skill itself really has to be important enough to use. The reason is, you must issue the ultimate skill in a position that is completely safe from the enemy’s reach. Although also do not get too far so as not to be in vain.
  • Called to be in a safe position because this skill has a pose delay for a few seconds when the duration runs out. So if the enemy immediately finds you in a state of delay, you will definitely die instantly.
  • Interestingly, this skill can also be used to restore your full health when the duration is over.

Valorant Phoenix

From the explanation of these skills, Phoenix is ​​always used to be relied on as an agent character that is quite offensive. His defensive side is also available from his ability to restore his own health to the use of the fire wall skill which is really very useful in playing as a team.

So besides that, there are also several skill combinations and additional tips that you can adapt when playing as Phoenix.

  • When creating a wall, you can use that wall of fire to throw a curve ball to blind any enemy you believe is there.
  • If you really need heal, you can simultaneously use Hot Hands and Blaze skills to restore your health more massively.
  • In the “Bind” map, Phoenix’s ultimate skill can be more safely used on a teleporter. Where you can use it right when you want to enter the teleporter so that the enemy cannot predict your whereabouts.

Those are the most important things you need to learn in playing Phoenix in Valorant. Look forward to our tips and tricks from other agent characters of this game in the next opportunity.

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