Build Item Gear Alucard The Painful And Strongest Auto Savage 2021 – GAME
Build Item Gear Alucard The Painful And Strongest Auto Savage, so many people on earth 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 especially in Indonesia who like to play this one game, namely Mobile Legends, so this time Bang Pray will make a post about what things are in the game. The focus for this post is to discuss about Hero Mobile Legends namely Alucard.

Actually it doesn’t matter if you wear Alucard face an enemy/opponent who uses the CC type hero, as long as there is good support from a teammate. There are many hero support in Mobile Legends game which you can pair with Alucard.
What hero support is good for a duet with Alucard? You can see in the next post. Now we focus on how to use Alucard With Build Correct and Sick Gear Items to easily get Savage. Following Alucard’s Best Gear Build ;

1. Build Alucard Full Damage

Use this Build if you find an enemy that doesn’t use or has a few Crowd Control type heroes. The following is an explanation of the items;
- Haas’s Claws – This first item can give Alucard a fairly large lifesteal.
- Warrior Boots – This shoe can make Alucard a little more immune according to the uniqueness of the shoe.
- Endless Battle – In addition to providing a fairly large blood supply after hitting the opponent, this item also deals great damage after Alucard uses his skill.
- Berserker’s Fury – Coupled with this item, Alucard’s attacks are increasing deadly, of course with critical attacks.
- Malefic Roar – Alucard will go crazy when he gets this item, this item can reduce the opponent’s defense and penetrate his armor even if it’s a Tank Type Hero.
- Blade of Despair – This last item is what makes Alucard at the highest point regarding his damage. Hero type Mage/Marksman/Assassin/Support will be more and more overwhelmed to face Alucard when max level and gear..
2. Build Alucard Tersakit Top Player Version (COLD)

If you are a fan Hero Alucard sure know who Top Player Alucard, often people everywhere cheer COLD The Top Player Alucard. If you want to play fierce like him then pay attention Build Gear Items and Battle Spell COLD Version following;
- Haas’s Claws – This item is also used in the first version, which can give Alucard a fairly large lifesteal.
- Warrior Boots – In addition to increasing Alucard’s movement speed, these shoes also add a little Armor to Alucard.
- Berserker’s Fury – Best Critical item for Alucard.
- Endless Battle – As explained earlier, this item in addition to increasing damage and lifesteal, it turns out that this item has the uniqueness of giving or reducing time Alucard Skill Cooldown by 10%.
- Hunter Strike – This item has a large amount of additional damage, which is +100 physical damage and gives Alucard additional Movement Speed after Alucard hits the enemy hero 5x.
- Blade of Despair – Max Damage to physical items is from this item. So it is very important for Alucard users to always use this item.
- Battle Spell – Alucard there may be some users who use Spell Flicker, useful for chasing enemies or escaping when conditions are not good. Depends on the situation.
3. Build Alucard Semi Tank

In the Mobile Legends game, an Attack Initiator is needed, so Alucard is quite precise with the record of using the right item or build. So I suggest you use Build Alucard Semi Tank this;
- Haas’s Claws – Even though it is a semi tank, this item can be relied on in its damage. give +70 Physical Attacks that Alucard can use for damage and also have a unique +20% Physical Lifesteal and unique passive, namely when HP is below 40% it will get an additional 10% Physical Lifesteal.
- Warrior Boots – These shoes will provide +22 Physical Defense, besides that movement speed increases by +40. Alucard’s physical defense can increase by +5 each time Alucard receives a maximum Basic Attack of up to +25. The effect only lasts for 3 seconds.
- Endless Battle – Damage increases +65 Physical Attack, HP increases +250 HP, Movement Speed increases +5%, and Physical Lifesteal increases +15%, very big isn’t it? Not only that, Alucard Skills will activate quickly because this item provides an additional Cooldown Reduction of +10%. Alucard’s own damage increases after using his skill which is passed on with his passive by +85% as True Damage.
- Wings of the Apocalypse Queen – As a semi tank, this item is perfect for Alucard. This item gives Alucard an additional HP of +1000, can make Alucard last longer as a Hero Initiator. Not only that, this item also adds a little damage to Alucard which is +15 Physical Attack and also Cooldown Reduction of +10%. This uniqueness is that it can reduce the opponent’s attack damage by 50% when Alucard’s HP is below 40% and increase Physical Lifesteal by +30%. This uniqueness only lasts 5 seconds and has a cooldown time of 50 seconds.
- Blade of Despair – Additional +170 Physical Damage and +5% Movement Speed for this item. Not only that, this item can increase Physical Attack when Alucard attacks enemy heroes who have HP below 50% in 2 seconds.
- Immortality – In addition to getting an additional +800 HP and +40 Magical Defense, this item can revive Alucard when he dies in battle. This uniqueness has a cooldown of 180 seconds, after Alucard dies and lives because of this item he will get +15% HP and a Shield that can absorb damage between 300-1000 damage (Scaled with Hero Level) and the Shield only lasts 3 seconds .
No wonder Alucard is a bone of contention among beginners. But getting here this one hero is often baited only as a burden on the team, especially in the tier Epic and Legend, if in tier Mythic it’s still better for users to have good timing to carry out their attacks, either when they are on by one or jump into war.
So how do you use Alucard the right way?
Before you really want to use this hero, you should first understand Alucard’s skills. You can read the skill description below;
- Pursuit (Passive) – If Alucard’s skill only hits 1 opponent, the Skill will deal 1.2x Damage. If it hits 2 opponents, the skill will deal 1.1x Damage. Alucard’s next basic attack after using any skill will deal 1.2x Damage and bring it to the target/enemy.
- Groundsplitter (Skill 1) – Alucard jumps to the designated location and jumps forward to attack, dealing 240(+160% Extra Physical Attack) Phycal Damage and slowing enemies by 60% for 2 seconds.
- Whirling Smash (Skill 2) – Alucard Slashes to nearby enemies, dealing 230(+140% Extra Physical Attack) points of Physical Damage.
- Fission Wave (Skill 3) – Alucard increases his Physical Lifesteal by 20% and locks the opponent. Its Lifesteal effect will increase by 100% lasting for 8 seconds. During that time, Alucard can fire a powerful attack wave forward, dealing 440(+220% Extra Physical Attack) points of Physical Damage to enemies.
By understanding the explanation Alucard’s skills above you can use Alucard correctly, without hesitation when dealing with CC (Crowd Control) type heroes though. Use skill 1, continue passive, continue skill 2, continue passive and skill 3 2x further passive if you do an ambush 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 1 with a note there is no CC type hero from the enemy so that Alucard’s lifesteal does not pause .
If in a war situation and the enemy uses one or two CC type heroes then as a user Alucard you have to be smarter in observing the enemy’s skills. Enter the war after the CC hero uses his stun and don’t lock / lock the enemy tank, immediately lock the enemy hero core, such as Mage and Marksman. With that possibility Savage For Alucard Is Huge.
That’s a little explanation about Build Item Gear Alucard Painful and Strongest Easy Savage 2021, hopefully it can be useful especially for beginners who like to use Alucard heroes.
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